Object/Relational Mapping
(ORM) 2008
SIGMOD 08 Tutorial Slides (ppt) (two-hour tutorial at
SIGMOD, Vancouver, June 11, 2008)
SIGMOD 08 Proceedings (6 pages)
Hibernate/JPA and Microsoft
.NET Entity Data Model (EDM): an intermediate model
This site celebrates the power of O-R Mapping to ease data modeling for
practical applications and overcome the famous "impedance mismatch"
between object oriented models and database data models. Between the
object models and database data models there is an intermediate
modeling level that can deal intelligently with both object modeling
and database modeling. This level was first implemented in
Hibernate, and called the Hibernate Entity Model, at least in its
graphic representation in Hibernate Tools (this view is currently
disabled, unfortunately). In other words, Hibernate (similarly JPA) has
intermediate data model, without much fanfare. Microsoft has made this
level explicit in their new O/R Mapping system, and calls the
model the Entity Data Model. I'm calling it simply the "entity model."
Microsoft released Visual
Studio .NET 2008 in December, 2007. EDM, in version 1, is
available as a free addition to this IDE, as part of its Service Pack 1
(SP1, itself still in beta in July, '08). Since EDM v1 is being
released in 2008,
I've titled this page with 2008. Hibernate and eclipse, the
favorite IDE for its development, are as usual free. See more details
linked below.
This site contains side-by-side implementations, using Hibernate and
Microsoft EDM,
of a simple system with four database entities related by an N-N
relationship and an N-1 relationship. It is a system for ordering free
pizza to be delivered to a certain room number, say in a dormitory. The
"student" user has choices of pizza size and toppings, so each order
has one size and a set of toppings. The "admin" can add and delete
toppings and sizes, make pizzas marked baked, finish off a day and
start another, etc. Although the system is simple, it is implemented
with the layered architecture of larger apps, with a transactional
service layer called upon by the presentation layer, the user interface
code. The presentation layer is provided in two versions for each O/R
mapping framework, a line-oriented UI and a web app with server-side
scripting in JSP 2.0/ASP.NET. In both cases, Hibernate and EDM, the
same service layer implementation works for both presentation
In this simple case, the entity model is very close to the
entity-relationship model, but still shows many of the core features of
these very similar O-R mapping technologies. There are four entities,
PizzaOrder, Topping, PizzaSize,
and SysTime, the last needed to track time in days.
There is an N-N relationship between PizzaOrder and Topping
an N-1 relationship between PizzaOrder and PizzaSize. In the
physical database schema, there is a relationship table, OrderTopping,
to hold (orderid, toppingid) pairs. The N-1 relationship
needs no
table of its own, since it can be implemented by a foreign key in the
PizzaOrder table. In the object world at the other end of the O-R
mapping, there are classes PizzaOrder, Topping, PizzaSize, and SysTime
for the four entities.The relationships do not themselves map to
objects but rather to one or more object
references for an entity object. Here the PizzaOrder object
has a
collection of Topping references plus a single PizzaSize reference.
These objects are ordinary Java/C# objects, but the
supporting software makes them persistent without the
writing any inserts, deletes or updates, or selects for primary-key
lookups or full tablescans. Only more complicated queries need SQL-like
treatment. These persistent objects are the bread and butter of the
app, and are
called domain objects because they are specific to the application
The Example Pizza Shop System:
public-domain sources
Project Setup Instructions
Project Served by Tomcat
EDM Sources
EDM Setup Instructions
Some further discussion...
Strategies: Top
down (objects first), Bottom up (database first), or Middle out
transactional applications:
Presentation layer with UI (web or
not), Service layer with transactions, DAO layer
The power of SQL select is mapped into the object world for retrieving
views of various parts of the data. For example, to look up
pizzas for day 5 and room number 2, the query in Hibernate is
session.createQuery("from PizzaOrder o where o.roomNumber =
5 and
o.day = 2") and in EDM context.PizzaOrder.Where("it.roomNumber = 5 and
it.day = 2"). In both cases the 5 and 2 can be replaced by program
The pizza shop was originally a class project in my
class CS636, Database Applications, at UMassBoston, in Fall '05,
implemented with plain JDBC DAOs and JSPs. Thanks for their enthusiasm
and insights. Also, the book Java
Persistence with Hibernate, by
Christian Bauer and Gavin King is extremely useful, both for getting
started and running and understanding the advanced features and
theoretical foundations.
fixes, etc: email Betty
O'Neil: eoneil at