Course Objectives
The course will introduce fundamental concepts in relational databases, such as:
the relational model and relational algebra; the Standard Query
Language (SQL); database design theory; conceptual design; database application development; database security.
Students registering for CS430/630 must have previously completed courses in
data structures and discrete mathematics. Also, they are required to have working
knowledge of Java and C programming languages, as well as familiarity in using
the UNIX operating system.
Topics Covered
The Relational Data Model and Relational Algebra
Standard Query Language (SQL)
The Entity-Relationship Data Model
Database Design Theory
Database Application Development
Database Security
R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke,
"Database Management Systems", 3rd edition.
Final Exam: 40%
Midterm: 30%
Homework Assignments: 6 x 5%
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is mandatory, and students are expected to participate actively
in class by asking and answering questions. In case of missed class, students are
responsible to get up-to-date with course materials and announcements.
Student Conduct
Students are required to adhere to the University Policy on Academic Standards and Cheating,
to the University Statement on Plagiarism and the Documentation of Written Work, and to the
Code of Student Conduct as delineated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook. The Code
is available online at
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers guidelines
for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students with documented disabilities. If applicable,
students may obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability Services,
CC-UL Room 211, (617-287-7430). The student must present these recommendations and discuss them
with each professor within a reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.
Mon/Wed 8:30-9:45pm, ONLINE
Date |
Lecture |
Reading |
Mon Jan 24 |
Course Overview and Introduction to Relational Model
Textbook: Chapter 1 - all
Exercises: all except 1.5, 1.6, 1.9
Wed Jan 26 |
Relational Algebra
Textbook: Chapter 4 - 4.1, 4.2
Exercises: 4.1-4.5 (skip the parts on calculus)
Mon Jan 31 |
Relational Algebra Practice Queries
Homework 1 (pdf)
Wed Feb 2 |
Introduction to SQL.
Textbook: Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Feb 7 - Feb 16 |
No Classes - COVID - will make up classes on 3/4 and 3/11
Mon Feb 21 |
No Class - Public Holiday
Wed Feb 23 |
Introduction to SQL. (contd.)
Textbook: Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Homework 2 (pdf)
Mon Feb 28 |
Intro to SQL - Practice Queries
Homework 1 Solution (pdf)
Wed Mar 2 |
SQL Nested Queries
Textbook: Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Fri Mar 4 - Make-Up Class |
SQL Division
Oracle SQLPlus Lab
Textbook: Chapter 4 - 4.2.5, Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Mon Mar 7 |
SQL Aggregate Queries
Textbook: Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Wed Mar 9 |
SQL Aggregates - Practice Queries
Solution HW2 (HW2.sql)
Textbook: Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Mon Mar 21 |
Midterm Review
Midterm Practice (pdf) and solution (pdf)
Wed Mar 23 |
Midterm Exam (Zoom)
(pdf) and solution
Fri Mar 25 - Make-Up Class |
Null Values. SQL Constraints
Textbook: Chapter 5 - 5.1-5.7
Chapter 3 - 3.2-3.3
Exercises: 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Textbook: Chapter 3: 3.6 and 3.7
Mon Mar 28 |
Entity-Relationship Model
(sample question)
Textbook: Chapter 2 - all except 2.4.5, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6-2.8; Chapter 3 - 3.5 (up to 3.5.5)
Exercises: 2.2 (except Q6), 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7
Homework 3 (pdf)
Wed Mar 30 |
Entity-Relationship Model (contd.)
Mon Apr 04 |
Database Application Development: JDBC
JDBC Oracle Driver,
Wed Apr 06 |
Database Application Development: JDBC - Lab
Mon Apr 11 |
Database Application Development - Oracle PL/SQL
See "Links" section for documentation
Homework 3 Solution (pdf)
Homework 4 (pdf)
Wed Apr 13 |
See "Links" section for documentation
Mon Apr 18 |
No Class (Holiday)
Wed Apr 20 |
Schema Refinement and Normal Forms
(example 1)
(example 2)
Textbook: Chapter 19 - 19.1-19.6
Exercises: 19.2, 19.5, 19.7
Mon Apr 25 |
No Class - Conference Travel
Homework 5 (pdf)
Wed Apr 27 |
BCNF and 3NF. Decompositions
Textbook: Chapter 19 - 19.1-19.6
Exercises: 19.2, 19.5, 19.7
Mon May 2 |
Security and Authorization
(handouts) |
Chapter 21
Homework 6 (pdf)
Wed May 4 |
Security and Authorization (contd.)
| Chapter 21
Mon May 09 |
Extra BCNF/Authorization Practice
Wed May 11 |
Course Evaluation. Final Exam Review
and Solution
Homework 6 Solution (pdf)