Jun Suzuki's Publications: Trade Journal Papers and Book Translation
Trade Journal Papers
- "Ask Object Technology Expert: Junichi Suzuki," Object Technology Magazine, OGIS Research Institute, November 2004.
- "Interview -- Hiroki Kamata and Junichi Suzuki Representatives of OMG Japan," Computing Japan Magazine, June 2000.
Trade Journal Papers
- C. Lee, H. Wada and J. Suzuki "Chemical Programming,"
IT Architect Vol.14, November 2007.
- H. Wada, C. Lee and J. Suzuki "Next Generation Event-Driven Architectures,"
IT Architect Vol.11, May 2007.
- H. Wada, J. Suzuki and C. Lee, "Macroprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IT Architect Vol.10, December 2006.
- C. Lee, H. Wada and J. Suzuki, "Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IT Architect Vol.7, October 2006.
- H. Wada, J. Suzuki and C. Lee, "Early Aspects,"
IT Architect Vol.6, August 2006.
- J. Suzuki, C. Lee and H. Wada "Do Computer Network Systems Dream of Biological Systems?,"
IT Architect Magazine, vol. 5, IDG, June 2006.
- C. Lee, H. Wada and J. Suzuki"Autonomic Computing and Artificial Immune Systems,"
IT Architect Magazine, vol. 4, IDG, March 2006.
- H. Wada, C. Lee and J. Suzuki"Domain Specific Softwre Development,"
IT Architect Magazine, vol. 3, IDG, January 2006.
- Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (5): Joinpoints and Pointcuts," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, August 2004.
- Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (4): Understanding Aspect Internals (2)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, May 2004.
- Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (3): Understanding Aspect Internals (1)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 21, April 2004.
- Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (2): Getting Started with AspectJ,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 20, March 2004.
- Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (1): What are Aspects?,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 19, February 2004.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (18): Model-driven Software Development,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 18, January 2004.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (17): Executable UML,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 17, December 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (16): Exploring the UML Metamodel,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 16, November 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (15): Specifying Constraints to Build
Precise UML Models,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 15, October 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (14): Pair Programming and Pair Modeling,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 14, September 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (13): Modeling EJB Components with UML,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 13, August 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (12): Modeling XML Documents with UML,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 12, July 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (11): Interchanging Model Information with XMI (XML Metadata Interchange),"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 11, June 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (10): Object State Modeling,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 10, May 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (9): Event Notification Modeling with Observer and Multicast Patterns,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 9, April 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Maintaining and Interchanging UML Model Information with XML,"
XML Magazine, Shoeisha, 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (8): From Robustness Analysis to MVC Architecture,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 8, March 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (7): How to Organize Static and Dynamic models; Packages and Robustness Analysis
(Boundary, Control and Entity Objects),"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 7, February 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (6): Modeling Dynamic Behaviors of Objects,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 6, January 2003.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Eclipse: Using Its Advanced Features --Refactoring, Unit Testing, Automatic Building and Plug-ins,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (5): Modeling Generalization and Specialization between Classes,"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Eclipse: Exploring its Architectural Design and JDT (Java Development Tooling),"
Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 4, November 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (4): Understainding Multiplicity (Cardinality) of Associations," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 4, November 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (3): Modeling Associations between Classes," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (2): Identifying Classes," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (1): Understanding What Modeling is and What UML is for," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Marriage of XML and Software Modeling: How does XMI work?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.13, 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Global Storage Networks," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.12, 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Realtime CORBA and its Applications (2)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.12, 2002.
- Hiroshi Wada and Junichi Suzuki, "CORBA Universe," Java World, 2002.
- Junichi Suzuki, "What is Small-world Networks?," @IT, Nov. 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Onion Routing: Its Technology, Patent and Export Control," The Export Control News, Dec. 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Realtime CORBA and its Applications (1)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.11, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "What is Onion Routing?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.11, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Does Pair-Programming Work Well?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "What's New in SOAP 1.2?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
- Hiroshi Wada and Junichi Suzuki, "Web Services: Its Goal and Implementation Technologies (2)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Applications of Web Link Analysis Techniques," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Saka and Kumo", The Object Report, editorial, Vol.6, No.10, September, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Trends and Technologies in Web Search Engines," Web+DB Press, Oct. 2001.
- Hiroshi Wada and Junichi Suzuki, "Web Services: Its Goal and Implementation Technologies (1)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "An Overview of Realtime Specification for Java (RTSJ)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Realtime Technologies 101," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "A Strategy for Developing Strategies," The Object Report, editorial, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Trends in Internet Search Technologies," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.8, August, 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Toward Next Generation Distributed Computing (2)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.8, August., 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Toward Next Generation Distributed Computing (1)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.7, June., 2001.
- Junichi Suzuki, "What is Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?", Object Report, Vol.6, No.5, Nov., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "An Overview of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", The Export Control News, Nov., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "Locating and Bootstraping in Distributed Object Environments", Object Report, Vol.6, No.4, Oct., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "The World is Small?: An Overview of Small-world Networks", Object Report, Vol.6, No.4, Oct., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "How to Learn Software Patterns?", Object Report, Vol.6, No.3, Sept., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Some Perspectives to Software Patterns", Object Report, Vol.6, No.3, Sept., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Framework and Patterns", Object Report, Vol.6, No.2, August, 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "An Introduction to CORBA Distributed Object Environment", Java Press, August, 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "Emerging Internet Technologies and Tools for Your Desktop,"
In Internet Technology, Chapter 6, ASCII Publishing, July, 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "7 Mythes of XML", Java Press, July, 2000.
- Yoko Hirano and Junichi Suzuki, "Distributed Object Infrastructure at Kabu.com",
Object Report, Vol.6, No.1, July, 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Software Architecture and Pattern", Object Report, Vol.6, No.1, July, 2000.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (10): CORBA QoS
Management", TransTech Magazine, April 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "The 4th Distributed Object Computing Seminar Report", Object Report, Vol.5, No.12, April, 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki and Tadaaki Arimura, "What is Refactoring?", Object Report, Vol.5, No.12, April, 2000.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (9): POA Policies and CORBA Component Model", TransTech Magazine, March 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Net Business in the Year 2000", Object Report, Vol.5, No.11, March, 2000.
- Tadaaki Arimura, Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "An Object World 1999 Report (2)", Object Report, Vol.5, No.11, March, 2000.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (8): Object Adaptors: BOA
and POA", TransTech Magazine, Feb. 2000.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (7): Differed Synchronous
and Asynchronous Communication", TransTech Magazine, January
- "Software Pattern and Role Modeling", Object Report, Vol.5,
No.10, Jan., 2000.
- Tadaaki Arimura, Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "Object World 1999 Report (1)", Object Report, Vol.5, No.10, Jan., 2000.
- Junichi Suzuki, "Language Aspects in Pattern Languages and UML", Object Report, Vol.5, No.10, Jan., 2000.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (6): Bootstraping, Event
handling considerations, and Deffered Synchronous Communication"
TransTech Magazine, December 1999.
- "Patterns and Pattern Languages", Object Report, Vol.5, No.9,
December, 1999.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (5): Any Type and Event
Service" TransTech Magazine, October 1999.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (4): Interoperation
between C++ and Java, Callback and Naming Service" TransTech
Magazine, September, 1999.
- "7 Mythes of XML", Object Report, Vol.5, No.8, Sept.,
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (3): Exceptions, Object
Reference and Interface Inheritance", TransTech Magazine, August
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (2): CORBA Fundamental
Programming Model", TransTech Magazine, July 1999.
- "Distributed Object Computing at Work (1): Distributed Objects,
OMG and CORBA", TransTech Magazine, May 1999.
- "Distributed Component Computing Environment with
CORBAcomponents", DDJ Japanese Edition, April 1999.
- "Software Modeling: What and Why (2)", Object Report, Vol.5,
No.6, April, 1999.
- "Software Modeling: What and Why (1)", Object Report, Vol.5,
No.5, Feb. 1999.
- "Emerging CORBA 3.0", DDJ Japanese Edition, Jan. 1999.
- "CORBA/IIOP Primer", Computer Today, Nov. 1998.
- "Software Patterns: Concepts and Applications", DDJ Japanese
Edition, Oct. 1998.
- "What's New in CORBA 3.0?", Object Report, Sept, 1998.
- "OOPSLA '98 Report", Object Report, Vol.5, No.4, August.
- "XML: Next generation technology for the Web (1)", DDJ Japanese
Edition, May 1998.
- "XML: Next generation technology for the Web (2)", DDJ Japanese
Edition, June 1998.
- "CORBA Programming Techniques, DDJ Japanese Edition, July
- "Building a Java Distributed Object Environment with CORBA",
DDJ Japanese Edition, May 1998.
- "Markup Language Primer: XML/CSS (2)", Object Report, Vol.4,
No.12, May. 1998.
- "CORBA Specification Review", Object Report, Vol.4, No.11,
March. 1998.
- "Markup Language Primer: XML/CSS (1)", Object Report, Vol.4,
No.11, March. 1998.
- "Internet Commerce and its Security", DDJ Japanese Edition,
Feb. 1998.
- "Dynamic HTML Primer", DDJ Japanese Edition, Jan. 1998.
- "Basics and Practice of Design Patterns", DDJ Japanese Edition,
Oct. 1997.
- "CORBA and its Direction", DDJ Japanese Edition, Aug.
- "Design and Coding ConceptMap Applet", To be appeared on "Java
Report" by SIGS. You can read the preview HTML
- "Python in a Nutshell (9): 3D Graphics Programing with Alice",
Doctor Dobb's Journal, Mar., 1997.
- "Python in a Nutshell (10): Numrical Library, Distributed
Object and XML Programming", Doctor Dobb's Journal, April.,
- "Universal Directory Service", Object Report, Vol.4, No.9, Feb.
- "Python in a Nutshell (8): Using MATISSE Object Database
through ASP", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Feb., 1997.
- "Ubiquitous Web Environment and CORBA Distributed Object
Environment", Computer Today, Jan. 1997.
- "Python in a Nutshell (7): Python Web Server", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, Jan., 1997.
- "Python in a Nutshell (6): Handling Japanese Characters in
Python", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Dec., 1996.
- "Distributed Objects and Internet Platform", Object Report,
Vol.4, No.7, Nov. 1996.
- "COM in a Nutshell (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.7, Nov.
- "Object Model in JavaScript", C Magazine, Nov. 1996.
- "Python in a Nutshell (5): Network Programming with Socket",
Doctor Dobb's Journal, Nov., 1996.
- "COM in a Nutshell (1)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.6, Oct.
- "Architecture Components (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.6, Oct.
- "JavaScript Object Model (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.6, Oct.
- "Python in a Nutshell (4): Reflection", Doctor Dobb's Journal,
Oct., 1996.
- "CORBA+Web: What does this mean?", DDJ Japanese Edition, Oct.
- "JavaScript Object Model (1)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.5,
Sept. 1996.
- "Netscape ONE Architecture", Object Report, Vol.4, No.5, Sept.
- "Python in a Nutshell (3): GUI Programming with Tkinter",
Doctor Dobb's Journal, Sept., 1996.
- "3 Approaches to Integrate Distributed Objects and Web", Object
Report, Vol.4, No.4, August. 1996.
- "Python in a Nutshell (2): What is Scripting?", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, August, 1996.
- "Developing Dynamic Intranet Applications with VisualWave",
Object Report, Vol.4, No.3, July. 1996.
- "CORBAnet Internals (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.3, July.
- "Python in a Nutshell (1): An Introduction", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, July, 1996.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (14): Object-Oriented User Interface
(3)", Doctor Dobb's Journal, June, 1996.
- "CORBA-Web Integration (4) - BlackWidow", Object Report, May.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (13): Object-Oriented User Interface
(2)", Doctor Dobb's Journal, May, 1996.
- "Architecture Components (1)", Object Report, June. 1996.
- "CORBA-Web Integration - BlackWidow (3)", Object Report, May.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (12): Object-Oriented User Interface
(1)", Doctor Dobb's Journal, April., 1996.
- "CORBAnet Internals (1)", Object Report, Mar. 1996.
- "CORBA-Web Integration - BlackWidow (2)", Object Report, Mar.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (11): Object Scripting", Doctor
Dobb's Journal, Mar., 1996.
- "CORBAnet", Object Report, Feb. 1996.
- "Model Interchange with EIA CDIF", Object Report, Feb.
- "CORBA-Web Integration - BlackWidow (1)", Object Report, Feb.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (10): Abstraction", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, Feb., 1996.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (9): Non-OO Thinking", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, Jan., 1996.
- "Delphi Object Model", Object Report, December 1995.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (8): Polymorphism", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, Dec., 1995.
- "How to Design Business Object? (2)", Object Report, November
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (7): Aggregation", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, Nov., 1995.
- "How to Design Business Object? (1)", Object Report, October
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (6): Inheritance", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, Oct., 1995.
- "What is Business Object?", Object Report, September 1995.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (5): Class, Instance and
Inheritance", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Sept,, 1995.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (4): Modeling", Doctor Dobb's
Journal, August, 1995.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (3): Document and Object Revisited",
Doctor Dobb's Journal, July, 1995.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (2): Attribute and Method", Doctor
Dobb's Journal, June, 1995.
- "Object-Oriented Thinking (1): Document and Object", Doctor
Dobb's Journal, May, 1995.
Book Translation
- Patricia B. Seybold and Ronni Marshak,
Customers.com: How to Create a Profitable Business Strategy for the Internet and Beyond,
360 pages, Times Books, 1998. Japanese translation page
- Arman Danesh,
Teach Yourself JavaScript 1.1 in a Week,
584 pages, SAMS, 1996.
- Laura Lemay and Michael Moncur,
Laura Lemay's Web Workshop JavaScript,
393 pages, SAMS, 1996.
- Thomas Mowbray and Ron Zahavi,
The Essential CORBA: Systems Integration Using Distributed Objects,
336 pages, Wiley, 1995. Japanese translation page
- Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey, Jeri Edwards and Daniel Harkey,
The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide,
640 pages, Wiley, 1995.
- Andrew Hutt (ed.),
Object Analysis and Design: Description of Methods,
202 pages, Wiley, 1994.
- Andrew Hutt (ed.),
Object Analysis and Design: Comparison of Methods,
224 pages, Wiley, 1994.
- Object Management Group,
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Specification,
version 1.1, Wiley, 1994.
- Richard Soley (ed.),
Object Management Architecture Guide,
revision 2.0, Wiley, 1992.
Jun Suzuki's Pulications page
Jun Suzuki's Web site