Colloquium, Tutorials and Invited Talks
- Leveraging SOA and ESBs for Compliance Management,
The Third MDA Mentoring Workshop, 1/2 day tutorial, Tokyo, Japan, August 2006.
- Service Oriented Architecture: Technologies and Deployment,
IT Architect Summit, Tokyo, Japan, August 2006.
- Service Oriented Architecture: Technologies and Deployment,
Hitachi Information Academy, 1/2 day tutorial, Kawasaki, Japan, July 2006.
- Understanding and Extending.the UML Metamodel,
The Second MDA Mentoring Workshop, 1/2 day tutorial, Tokyo, Japan, July 2006.
- Modeling and Implementing Non-Functional Aspects in Service Oriented Architecture,
The First Conference on Software Lifecycle Management Technology, Tokyo, Japan, April 2006.
- Software Modeling Education: Experience and Lessons Learned,
The First Conference on Software Lifecycle Management Technology, Tokyo, Japan, April 2006.
- Modeling and Implementing Non-Functional Aspects in Service Oriented Architecture,
OGIS Research Institute, April 2006.
- Towards Model Driven Software Development, OGIS Research Institute, December 2005.
- Do Computer Network Systems Dream of Biological Systems?, invited lecture,
Keio University, December 2005.
- Understanding and Extending the UML 2.0 Metamodel, Half day tutorial, Object Management Group
Technical Committee Meeting, Boston, MA, May 2005.
- Biologically-inspired Adaptive Networking with Super Distributed Objects,
Super Distributed Objects SIG, Object Management Group Technical Committee Meeting,
Boston, MA, May 2005.
- An Overview of Model-driven Software Development,
ACM Student Chapter, University of Massachusetts, Boston, March 2005.
- An Overview of Model-Driven Software Development, guest lecture,
CS681-3 (Advanced Software Engineering), University of Massachusetts, Boston,
November 2004.
- Recent Advances in Distributed Systems Design, Hitachi Information Academy, April 15, 2004.
- Aspect-Oriented MDA, UML Forum Tokyo 2004, April 14, 2004.
- An Overview of the MDA Initiative and its Practices, UML Forum Tokyo 2004, April 13, 2004.
- An Overview of the Bio-Networking Architecture, Denso IT Laboratory, Inc., June 9, 2003.
- Building a Scalable Infrastructure for Autonomous Adaptive Agents, Agent Interaction Modeling Forum, Agent PSIG,
Object Management Group technical committee meeting, OMG document number: agent/03-06-01, Paris, France, June 3, 2003.
[slides | from
OMG site]
- An Overview of the Bio-Networking Architecture, Agent PSIG,
Object Management Group technical committee meeting, OMG document number: agent/03-03-01,
Orlando, USA, March 2003.
[slides | from
OMG site]
- Driving Model-driven Architecture with UML, UML Forum Tokyo 2003, April 17, 2003.
- Modeling Server-side Components with UML, UML Forum Tokyo 2003, April 16, 2003.
- Design and Implementation of the Bio-Networking Architecture, UCI Artificial
Intelligence/Machine Learming Seminar, February 6, 2003.
[abstract |
- Toward Adaptable Super Distributed Objects: Reconfigurability in the Bio-Networking Architecture,
Super Distributed Objects Forum, Super Distributed Objects DSIG, OMG document number: sdo/03-01-xx,
Barlingame, USA, January 2003. [slides]
- An Overview of the Bio-Networking Architecture, Super Distributed Objects Workshop,
Super Distributed Objects DSIG, Object Management Group technical committee meeting,
OMG document number: sdo/02-10-05, Helsinki, Finland, October 2002.
[slides | from OMG site]
- "Next Generation Distributed Systems: Toward Autonomous, Distributed and Adaptive Systems," ObjectDay 2002, Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute, June, 2002.
- "Web Services in terms of SOA and Middleware Technologies," ObjectDay 2002, Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute, June, 2002.
- "Advanced Distributed Systems Design," Hitachi Information Academy, March 29, 2002.
- "Objects, Components and Services," Software Engineering Center, Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute, March 28, 2002.
- "Modeling Service Oriented Architectures," UML Forum Tokyo 2002, March 27, 2002.
- "What can Users Expect for UML 2.0?," panel discussion, UML Forum Tokyo 2002, March 26, 2002.
- "An Introduction to UML," 1 day tutorial, UML Forum Tokyo 2002, March 26, 2002.
- "Toward Practical Web Service Infrastructure," Integrate Tokyo 2001, October 11, 2001.
- "Distributed Objects in Realtime and Embedded Systems," Integrate Tokyo 2001, October 11, 2001.
- "Toward Integrated ITS: Southern California SHOWCASE Project," Integrate Tokyo 2001, October 11, 2001.
- "Trends and Directions of Next Generation Distributed Computing," Hitachi Information Academy, October 11, 2001.
- "Web Service Components," Duo Systems, October 10, 2001.
- The Bio-Networking Platform: Design and Research Issues, University of New Mexico,
March 28, 2001.
- The Bio-Networking Architecture: An Approach to Leverage Super Distributed Object Environment using Biological Concepts and Mechanism,
Super Distributed Objects DSIG, Object Management Group technical Committee meeting,
OMG document number: sdo/01-02-03, Irvine, USA, March 2001. [slides]
- "Developing Enterprise Architecture," 1/2 day tutorial, Integrate Tokyo 2001, October 9, 2001.
- "How to use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for Your Applications?", Nihon Techno Center, February 7 and 8, 2001.
- "Web Service Technologies", Hitachi Information Academy, February 6, 2001.
- "Understanding XML", Soft Research Center, February 2 - 9, 2001.
- "UML Overview: Semantics, Notation, Process, Patterns, and Frameworks", Japan Industry Engineering Center, February 1 and 2, 2001.
- "Developing Distributed Application with SOAP", Soft Research Center, January 31, 2001.
- "What is UUDI (Universal Description Descovery and Integration)?", Soft Research Center, January 30, 2001.
- "Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): What and How", Japan Industry Engineering Center, January 29, 2001.
- "Is CORBA Heavyweight and Slow?," The 1st Enterprise Computing Seminar, November 16, 2000.
- "Enterprise Application Integration: Perspectives and Technologies", Hitachi Information Academy, November 11, 2000.
- "Application Development with CORBA 3", Japan Industry Engineering Center, November 6 and 7, 2000.
- "Current Status and Future Directions of Distributed Object Technology," Keynote, 2000 Anual Conference of Common Business Object Promotion (CBOP) Group, October 19, 2000.
- "Advanced CORBA," NEC System Construction, September 6, 2000.
- "Effective CORBA", Japan Industry Engineering Center, September 21 and 22, 2000.
- "Effective Distributed System Design with CORBA 3.0?", Soft Research Center, September 19 and 20, 2000.
- "What is Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)?", Soft Research Center, September 8, 2000.
- "An Overview CORBA," NEC System Construction, September 4, 2000.
- "XML Technologies", Soft Research Center, August 30 and 31, 2000.
- "An Overview of Software Modeling Languages and Methodologies", Java Conference, August 22, 2000.
- "Design Patterns in Developing Distributed Object Platforms", IPSJ, July 28, 2000.
- "Software Model Engineering: Technical Advances and Challenges," Workshop on
Collaborative Information Space, Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Tokyo, Japan.
- "B2B EC Business Modeling", Soft Research Center, June 27 and 28, 2000.
- "An Overview of Unified Modeling Language", MEDIS-OMG CORBA Seminar, June 26, 2000.
- "CORBA 3.0 Application Development: Principles and Case Studies", Nihon Techno Center, June 15 and 16, 2000.
- "Next Generation Technologies and Frameworks in Electronic
Commerce", Nihon Techno Center, June 8 and 9, 2000.
- "EAI, XML and CORBA: How to Design an Open B2B Commerce
Infrastracture?", Soft Research Center, May 29 and 30, 2000.
- "Electronic Commerce and Object Technology", Keynote,
ObjectDay2000, May 26, 2000.
- "Undocumented CORBA: What is POA, and how to use it?", The 5th
OMG Distributed Computing Seminar, June 24, 2000.
- "Toward the Interoperable Software Models: What the Trio of
UML, XML and CORBA Means?", invited presentation at the Plenary
meeting of ISO TC184/SC5 (Industrial Automation Systems and
Integration/Architecture, Communications, and Integration
Frameworks), Kyoto, Japan, May 18, 2000.
- "An Overview of CORBA", MEDIS-OMG CORBA Seminar, May 16,
- "EAI and CORBA", Soft Research Center, April 24, 2000.
- "What's New in CORBA 3.0", OSPG R&D Working Group, March
22, 2000.
- "Design Patterns for Network Programming", HORB Symposium 2000,
March 10, 2000.
- "A Next Step of HORB Community", HORB Symposium 2000, March 10,
- "Fundamental Technologies in EAI", The 4th OMG Distributed
Computing Seminar, March 1, 2000.
- "Technical Details in CORBA 3.0", Software Research Center,
February 24 and 25, 2000.
- "XML and CORBA", Software Research Center, February 9 and 10,
- "Successful Steps for Building Electronic Commerce", CEO
Consotium, January 28, 2000.
- "What's New in CORBA 3.0", OSPG, January 20, 2000.
- "XML Programming with Distributed Objects", The 6th
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC '99), December
7, 1999.
- "CORBA and XML", Object World 1999, November 9, 1999.
- "Software Patterns: Concepts and Applications", Object World
1999, November 9, 1999.
- "The Third Wave in Distributed Object Technology", The 3rd OMG
Distributed Computing Seminar, October 26, 1999.
- "Technical Details in CORBA 3.0", Software Research Center,
Oct. 21-22, 1999.
- "CORBA3: The Third Wave in Distributed Object Computing", Japan
Information Service Association (JISA), Sept. 21, 1999.
- "Design Tips and Considerations in Developing CORBA3.0
Applications", Nihon Techno Center, Sept. 16-17, 1999
- "PV-WAVE for Java and CORBA Trends in Japan", Visual Numerics
User Conference, Sept. 14, 1999.
- Undocumented CORBA, The 2nd OMG Distributed Computing Seminar,
April 14, 1999.
- CORBA and Internet Technologies, The 2nd OMG Distributed
Computing Seminar, April 14, 1999.
- CORBA 3.0 Interoperability: Myth or Reality?, YDOC, March 26,
- CORBAcomponents: Interoperable Component Model on CORBA,
Software CALS working group at JISA, Feb. 9, 1999.
- CORBA 3.0: Concept and Appplications, Jan. 29th, 1999.
- Case Studies using CORBA and CORBA3.0 Features, Nihon Techno
Center, Jan. 25-26th, 1999.
- CORBAcomponents: Emerging Component Model on CORBA,
The first Workshop on Next Generation Software Components,
Strategic Software Research Program, IPSJ, Tokyo, Japan, December 4, 1998.
- Evolution of CORBA, The 1st OMG Distributed Computing Seminar,
Oct. 26th, 1998.
- Developing Distributed Object System with CORBA, Industrial
Development Center, Oct. 16th, 1998.
- Introduction to CORBA, Nihon Unisys, Oct. 13th, 1998.
- Developing Distributed Applications with CORBA/Java, Nihon
Techno Center, Aug. 18-19th, 1998.
- Toward the Ideal Network Computing, Electrotechnical
Laboratory, May 19th, 1998.
- Introduction to CORBA, Nihon Unisys, May, 15th, 1998.
- Programming with Design Patterns and Frameworks,
ObjectWorld'98, April 6th, 1998.
- Introduction to CORBA, Nihon Unisys, Mar. 3rd, 1998.
- Distributed Object Programming with CORBA Annual Workshop on
Distributed Computing, Distributed Computing Research Group,
Japan Information Service Association, Tokyo, Japan, January 1998.
- CORBA and its Component Model, Workshop on Component Oriented
Software Development, Component Software Research Group,
Japan Information Service Association, Tokyo, Japan, January 14, 1998.
- An Overview of the CORBA 2.x Standard Specification: Its Technology and Case Studies
Nihon Techno Center, Tokyo, Japan, January 8-9, 1998.
Jun Suzuki's Web site