Department of Computer Science
UMass Boston
Class: Tu, Th 11:00–11:50 in S-3-143 (Notice change of classroom!)
Course webpage:
Instructor: Nurit Haspel
Office: S-3-71
Office hours: Tu Th 2:30–4:00PM
Peer mentors:
Nicholas Rosato.
Antony Reid.
Location: Unix lab
Office hours: By appointment.
See the course syllabus for a detailed list of topics.
Class Notes
Tue. , Sep. 3: General introduction, policies and procedures, students introducing themselves. Notes.
Thu. , Sep. 5: Introduction to the Unix lab, our network and Q/A session with Leonard (Lenny) David - system and network administrator.
Tue. , Sep. 10: What is computer science? What are algorithms? General introduction. Notes. Also - introducting topics for discussion.
Thu. , Sep. 12: Convocation speech at the Campus Center Ballroom. Students are welcome to come at 8:30 and stay for lunch.
Tue. , Sep. 17: Welcome talk by CSM Dean Andrew Grosovsky.
Thu. , Sep. 19: A brief introduction to programming languages Notes; Introducing Suzanne Morris, English Department (helping with written essays)
Tue. , Sep. 24: Intro to collaborative tools (by peer mentors).
Thu. , Sep. 26: Prof. Eric Grinberg, Chair of the Math Department.
Tue. , Oct. 1: Roundtable introduction, selection of topics.
Thu. , Oct. 3: Build your own computer, by peer mentors (pt. 1).
Tue. , Oct. 8: Install Linux using flash drive
Thu. , Oct. 10: Install Linux, pt. 2
Tue. , Oct. 15: Working with virtualbox, installing Ubuntu
Thu. , Oct. 17: Critical reading of a paper
Tue. , Oct. 22: Talk by CJ Martin (FSC) about registration procedures
Thu. , Oct. 24: An exercise in game theory (sharing is caring?). Travellers (prisoners) dilemma paper. Chicken.
Tue. , Oct. 29: Prof. Dan Simovici (CS) - why you should know and like Math to be a computer scientist.
Thu. , Oct. 31: Library tour. Meet at the Center for Library Instruction (CLI - HL/04/015.)
Tue. , Nov. 5: Tips for giving a good presentation. notes.
Thu. , Nov. 7: Three logicians walk into a bar (or why logic is not so scary) notes.