CS612: Algorithms in Bioinformatics

Spring 2025


Name: Nurit Haspel
email: nurith@cs.umb.edu
Office: M03-201-04
Office hours: Mo, We 1:00–2:20PM

Class meetings

Mo, We 4:00-3:45 in Y04-4140

Course Description

This course will introduce students to bioinformatics - the area concerning the development and application of computational methods to address key problems in biology. It will introduce the students to a variety of methods and skills required to conduct research in this highly rising field. The emphasis of the course is structural bioinformatics with focus on various computational methods to simulate, analyze and model protein structure, dynamics and function. Other subjects such as systems biology, genomics and interaction networks will be introduced as well. The course is designed first and foremost for computer scientists but is also open to biology majors with adequate computational/mathematical background.

See the course syllabus for a detailed list of topics.

Prerequisites: CS210 or equivalent knowledge in data structures and programming, MATH 260 (Linear algebra).

Homework assignments

Assignment (PDF) Posted/Given on Due Date Handouts Solution


Class notes



Book Chapters

Session Dates

Session Info




January 27

Intro to Molecular Biology
and Bioinformatics


January 29


Same as last time

Recommended Textbooks

Structural Bioinformatics, edited by Jenny Gu and Phillip E. Bourne, Willey Blackwell, 2nd edition.

Introduction to Bioinformatics, Arthur M. Lesk, Oxford, 3rd or 4th edition.

Online material

All material for this course will be kept online at http://www.cs.umb.edu/~nurith/cs612.

Written work

There will be about 5 written homeworks and a final presentation. See the syllabus for more details.

Grade Composition


You must do your own work in this course. You are encouraged to discuss problems/projects with classmates, or to ask for help with debugging. When you do share ideas or get help you must acknowledge that help in writing. However IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANOTHER STUDENTS CODE IN ANY WAY WHILE DOING YOUR HOMEWORK, even if you acknowledge that.

Working from home

All the software you need to work from home is available for free. See resources below and class notes for links (the links on this page will be periodically updated).
