Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering on Emerging Synergies of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of Elsevier Nano Communication Networks on Bio-inspired Computing and Communication
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks on Body Area Networks.
Call for book chapters: Cloud-integrated Cyber-Physical Systems, to be published by Springer.
Call for book chapters: Modeling, Methodologies and Tools for Molecular and Nano-scale Communications, to be published by Springer.
Book being co-authored: Optimization in Molecular Communication, to be published by Springer.
Call for papers: 7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA)
Call for papers: 8th Int'l Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT) - formerly BIONETICS
Call for papers: BICT 2014 Special Track on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (AISE)
Call for papers: BICT 2014 Special Track on Smart Body Area Networking
Call for papers: 25th IEEE Annual Int'l Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)
Call for papers: IEEE Int'l Workshop on Cloud-assisted Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (C-SmartCPS)
Call for papers: Int'l Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2014), Proceedings to be published by ACM.
Call for papers: BodyNets 2014 Special Track on Cloud-assisted Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS), Proceedings to be published by ACM.
Call for papers: BodyNets 2014 Special Track on Coding for Emerging Wireless Networks (CEWN), Proceedings to be published by ACM.
Call for papers: Int'l Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2013), Proceedings to be published by ACM.
Call for papers: BodyNets 2013 Special Track on Cloud-assisted Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS), Proceedings to be published by ACM.
Call for papers: Special Issue of Elsevier Information Sciences on Cloud-assisted Wireless Body Area Networks.
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of Springer Transactions on Computational Science on Advances in Biologically-inspired Information and Communication Technology.
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of Elsevier Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation Journal on Evolutionary Learning, Emergence and Optimization.
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of ACM/Springer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications on Body Area Networks
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing on on Body Area Sensing for Ambient Intelligence
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue of Int'l Journal on Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS) on Self-* Systems
Journal special issue being co-edited: Special Issue International Journal on Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems on Computation and Networks with Biological and Social Metaphors
Journal special issue co-edited: Special Issue of ACM/Springer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications on Mobility, Context-Awareness and Internet of Things, 18(3), June 2013.
Conference proceedings co-published: Proceedings of the 1st Int'l Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications, Springer, LNICST 109, 34 chapters, 370 pages, ISBN: 978-3-642-36641-3, May 2013.
Co-edited book published: "Developing and Applying Biologically-Inspired Vision Systems: Interdisciplinary Concepts", IGI Global, November 2012.
Confernece session co-organized: SCIS-ISIS Special Session on Biologically-inspired Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings published by IEEE, November 2012.
Conference proceedings co-published: Proceedings of the 7th Int'l Conference on Body Area Networks, ACM Press, 287 pages, ISBN: 978-1-936968-60-2, September 2012.
Journal special issue co-edited: Special Issue of Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering on Emerging Synergies of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, World Scientific, 22(2), pages 157 -- 264, March 2012.
Journal special issue co-edited: Special Issue of Nano Communication Networks on Biological Information and Communication Technology, pubished by Elsevier, 2(2–3), pages 85-174, June–September 2011. [CFP]
Conferepce proceedings co-published: Proceedings of the 5th Int'l Conference on Bio-inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, Springer, LNICST 87, 713 pages, ISBN: 978-3-642-32614-1, August 2012.
Sports -- Tennis, Swimming and Scuba Diving
Novels -- Scott Fitzgerald, Raymond Carver, Ross Thomas and Frederick Forsyth
Jazz -- Michel Petrucciani, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans and Oscar Peterson
Piano -- I am learning Jazz piano.