pe07$ sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Aug 22 15:45:19 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Last Successful login time: Fri Aug 19 2016 14:19:03 -04:00
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application
Testing opions
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 6bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application
Testing opions
pe07$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Sep 30 13:54:13 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> connect scott/tiger1@//
SQL> select count(*) from emp;
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 6bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application
Testing opions
how the UNIX/Linux username is also the password here:
sqlplus jsmith/jsmith@//
cp -r /data/htdocs/cs634/jdbc cs634
Then cd to your own jdbc directory, and:pe07$ javac
pe07$ java -cp ojdbc6.jar:. JdbcCheckup
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:
Please enter information to test connection to the database
Using Oracle (o), MySql (m) or HSQLDB (h)? o
user: xxxxx
password: yyyyy (same as xxxxx unless you changed it)
use canned Oracle connection string (y/n): y
port (often 1521): 1521
sid (site id): dbs3
using connection string:
Connecting to the database...connected.
Hello World!
Your JDBC installation is correct.
pe07$ java -cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.43-bin.jar:.
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:
Please enter information to test connection to the database
Using Oracle (o), MySql (m) or HSQLDB (h)? m
user: xxxxx
password: yyyyy
use canned MySql connection string (y/n): y
host: localhost
port (often 3306): 3306
using connection string: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/eoneil1db
Connecting to the database...connected.
Hello World!
Your JDBC installation is correct.
To access the database systems and pe07, themselves inside the firewall, from a system outside the firewall, we need a “tunnel” that uses the SSH protocol’s ability to provide a secure connection to a port that is not directly accessible for security reasons. For example, we want to access port 1521 on dbs3 to talk to Oracle using JDBC, but this port is blocked by the firewall. So, instead we connect to port 22 (SSH’s port, which is not blocked by the firewall for or pe07) on (for example) and arrange that SSH make a connection for us inside the firewall to port 1521 on dbs3, and then move the data back and forth. For more info, see IBM article on tunneling.
First get a Terminal window for Mac or a shell window for Linux to do the following commands. Use ssh to set up the needed tunnels to dbs3, port 1521, and pe07, port 3306: These just hang, logged in to pe07.
Replace ‘user’ here with your Linux username and answer the password prompt with your Linux password. These commands will “hang”, so open another shell/Terminal window to continue working.
ssh -N ssh -N or both at once: ssh -N
These work on Mac OSX v 10.9.5 on a desktop system. If you are still having trouble, please report your OSX version number and type of Mac.
Testing the tunnels with a browser
Browse to localhost:1521 with Chrome and see "No Data Received". This means it did connect, just didn't get any data from the server.
Try localhost:12345 or another random port to see "This webpage is not available", meaning it couldn't connect.
Try localhost:3333 with Chrome and see a small download happen. It had to connect to do that.
Testing the tunnels with telnet (or similarly, putty or ssh)
telnet is an classic tool that was used before ssh was needed: it just connects your keyboard and screen to a TCP stream connection, plain and simple. It can be used to test to see if a port on a host is open, among other things. Try “telnet” at the command line to see if it’s available on your system, and if not, optionally install it as follows:
Test mysql tunnel: telnet localhost 3333, or ssh localhost:3333, or putty to host localhost, port 3333
Test Oracle tunnel: telnet localhost 1531, or ssh localhost:1531, or putty to host localhost, port 1531
If successful, telnet or ssh or putty will take over the window and show you anything sent by the server. Anything you type will be sent to the server, except for the telnet escape sequence control-]. We don’t want to confuse the server with garbage, so type the escape sequence immediately, followed by quit, or kill the window. To see what happens with a port that’s not in active use, try “telnet localhost 12345” (or ssh localhost:12345 or putty ...) or some other random number.
Testing the tunnels with JdbcCheckup: from Windows, Linux or MacOSX
Once we have the tunnels working, the database ports show up as localhost:1521 and localhost:3333. We are using a local port 3333 to avoid any locally running mysql databases, which would normally use the local 3306 port. Similarly, if you have a local Oracle server running, you will need to use a different local port for tunneled Oracle.
java -classpath ojdbc6.jar;. JdbcCheckup (use colon instead of semicolon on Linux/MacOSX) Please enter information to test connection to the database Using Oracle (o), MySql (m) or HSQLDB (h)? o user: xxxxxx password: xxxxxx use canned Oracle connection string (y/n): y host: localhost port (often 1521): 1521 sid (site id): dbs3 using connection string: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:dbs3 Connecting to the database...connected. Hello World! Your JDBC installation is correct.
java -classpath mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar;. JdbcCheckup Please enter information to test connection to the database Using Oracle (o), MySql (m) or HSQLDB (h)? m user: xxxxx password: xxxx use canned MySql connection string (y/n): y host: localhost port (often 3306): 3333 using connection string: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3333/xxxxxdb Connecting to the database...connected. Hello World! Your JDBC installation is correct.
You can download and install the same "instant client" software we are using on pe07 to access dbs3's Oracle database right from your own system.
Either cd to the
directory with the executable, or add it to your path.Note that sqlldr is not included in client installation. We have added it to pe07 by following instructions here, modified for version 12.1. But if you load your tables while logged in on pe07, you shouldn't need sqlldr on your development system.
Note that once you are using port 1521 for a local Oracle, you can't use it for tunneling to dbs3's port, so use another local port for the tunnel, or bring down your local Oracle when you want to tunnel to dbs3's.
1. Visit and choose your platform. For 64-bit Windows, use the version with the JDK embedded. For other platforms, get Java 8 working first.
2. Download and unzip. Run from the resulting directory or add to your path.
3. Create a new Connection, for example for user scott, password tiger1, hostname localhost, port 1521, sid dbs3, and leave the boxes below the sid blank.
4. Double click the resulting Connection icon, and explore the resulting catalog tree.