MySql setup for cs634.

MySql is running on, a Linux machine. You should be able to login there now.
The "mysql" command is available to you on pe07 without any special setup.
Also, this mysql server is available to JDBC from anywhere on the Internet.

To provide $cs634 when you are logged in to topcat, edit your .profile file (anywhere in it) with
cs634=/data/htdocs/cs634; export cs634

This defines an environment variable cs634, and $cs634 then evaluates it as needed in Linux commands.

Note that this is in the.profile file, the startup file for "bash", the command shell widely used on Linux.
You can tell bash is in use by the $ prompt.

Note that unlike Oracle,   MySql has no automatic schema per user (this is not required by SQL standard)

-          so I’ll set up a separate database for each user

-          UNIX/Linux user joe would get database joedb

-          you get your own db!

-      later you'll set up your own mysql server in the cloud

To try out your new database:
1. log into
2. Use the mysql command, for example, like this for user joe:
mysql -u joe -Djoedb -p

You should see the mysql> prompt, where you can use SQL. Create a table and insert a row into it to test your account.

The mysql exit command finishes a session and returns you to the shell prompt.