CS430/630 Oracle Setup

CS634 Initial Setup for Oracle on dbs2 (Oracle 10g)

First Steps:

login to dbs2.cs.umb.edu

edit your .cshrc as instructed below

log out and in again

Use sqlplus to access Oracle

Try “create table t1(x int);” to make sure your account allows table creation

In more detail:

1. Login to the dbs2.cs.umb.edu, , a Solaris UNIX system (not Linux, but mostly same commands)

2. Load the oracle module by typing:

    module add oracle/10g

         Check for a .cshrc file in your login directory. If there is none, get one by cp /usr/local/lib/.cshrc .  while logged in on dbs2.

         You can add the line above in your .cshrc file (in your home directory) in order to load the
    module automatically any time you login.

    For example add the following 3 lines:

    if ( $HOST == dbs2.cs.umb.edu ) then
       module add oracle/10g
    JUST BEFORE the following section in your .cshrc file:

    # If this file is being executed by shell run from a program, exit now--
    if (! $?prompt) exit

         Log out and in again to make sure your edit is good.

3. Run sqlplus to access the server.

    Your oracle account and password are the same as your UNIX username.
    eg. If your UNIX username is "john", then the username and the password
    used to login to sqlplus are both "john".

    You can just type:

    sqlplus username/password



    and then you will be prompted for your username and password.

    You can later change this default password if you so desire, instructions
    are provided below. Note: the real security for the system is driven by your UNIX password,
not this Oracle password, which you can leave as it was given if you want.

4. If you would like to change your password, run the following command at
    the SQL prompt:

    alter user your_username identified by "newpassword";