[MassHistPres] Liquid Vinyl - Fwd: [masshistpres] Spray on Siding?fwd #2

Garrett Laws glaws at hbuilders.net
Thu Apr 13 09:41:23 EDT 2006

Can anyone provide an address where this product was installed 5+ years ago?

Copper & Slate Co.
Waltham, MA
  -----Original Message-----
  From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu]On Behalf Of Steve & Diane Derby
  Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:09 AM
  To: MHC Listserv
  Subject: [MassHistPres] Liquid Vinyl - Fwd: [masshistpres] Spray on
Siding?fwd #2

  Here's the 2nd forward. Diane Derby

  Begin forwarded message:

    From: Sstowell at ci.lowell.ma.us
    Date: January 27, 2005 3:16:51 PM EST
    To: betsypyne at comcast.net, masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
    Subject: RE: [masshistpres] Spray on Siding?

    This will be the first of a few emails to follow regarding this
    product. All are from past inquiries regarding it from the National
    Forum List Serve.

    To Forum Members:

    I addressed the issue of spray-on siding (also known as liquid siding)
    recent preservation conferences in Tennessee and South Carolina and will
    doing so again at the NAPC conference in July. At the meeting in South
    Carolina the national distributor of Liquid Siding was in attendance and
    had a lively discussion of the product.
    The application of any of these types of sidings requires a high
    wash of the exterior wood siding or brick. Once the exterior is power
    washed, the siding is then sprayed on to about the thickness of a credit
    card. The manufacturers of these sidings claim that the exterior finish
    last 25 years or more.
    This siding material has been marketed for buildings for less than 10
    There are numerous lawsuits regarding this type of material which can be
    reviewed at the HADD website (Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings).
    lawsuits primarily center on poor workmanship and rapid failure of the
    siding finish. The manufacturers of these siding materials have also
    forced to drop their claims of insulation since these claims are
    Those in attendance in South Carolina had concerns about permeability
    the diminishment of details. There was also the question on whether or
    this product was reversible and the Liquid Siding representative did not
    have a substantive answer to this.
    At this point I would proceed with caution on these products simply
    we do not have enough of a track record of their permeability,
    and overall impact on historic materials. I am not aware of any way to
    remove this material if sections of it start to fail nor do I know how
    applied over this surface would adhere. If anyone has had any experience
    removing or painting over this type of material I would appreciate
    about it.

    Phil Thomason
    Principal, Thomason and Associates
    Preservation Planners, Nashville

    -----Original Message-----
    From: owner-masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
    [mailto:owner-masshistpres at cs.umb.edu]On Behalf Of Betsy Pyne
    Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 12:43 PM
    To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
    Subject: [masshistpres] Spray on Siding?

    Our clapboarded church in the center of town has asked our Community
    Preservation Committee to give an opinion and possibly fund the
    of Spray on Siding by a company called Alvis Coatings from North
    building is not on the National Register but is a Congregational type
    historic church across from our Town Hill in the center. Is this an
    appropriate clapboard treatment for an historic building? Will this
    allow the wood to breath? Can anyone say what the treatment looks like
on a
    wood clapboard building.
    comments on suitability of this product will be greatly appreciated.

    Betsy Pyne
    Norfolk Historical Commission
    Norfolk Community Preservation Committee

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