[MassHistPres] window effeciency options

Carroon, Jean jean.carroon at goodyclancy.com
Mon Aug 21 06:13:49 EDT 2006




From: James Devine [mailto:jdevine at windotherm.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:49 PM
To: Carroon, Jean
Subject: windotherm insulating panels




It was nice talking to you and it is always a thing of wonder to me when
I reach out to someone I haven't spoken to in a while and find they were
reaching my way at the same time. 


I found the story you are working on, about old wooden windows being "an
endangered species", very interesting.  The inefficiency of old, single
glazed wooden and metal framed windows is what our business has been
focused on.  We can say with some pride that our window insulating
panels bring those types of old windows to higher than an Energy Star
level of efficiency and we do it at a fraction of the cost of
replacement windows.


If you go to our web site www.windotherm.com
<http://www.windotherm.com/>  and click on "How does it work", then
click on the buttons in the left column for engineers and architects you
will find a substantial amount of testing information that will
substantiate our claims on efficiency.  

We have had more tests done on our window insulating panels than most
windows on the market ever have done.


Windo-Therm window insulating panels are the only product that can meet
the spec NYSERDA listed for a window supplement in the New York State
"Energy Smart Program".   We have a patent on that construction method.
Recently NYSERDA put the same spec in the "Smart Equipment Choices
Program" which they designed for Con Edison Gas.  They pay a $1.50 per
square foot incentive/rebate to Con Edison commercial gas users in
Manhattan, the Bronx and Westchester.  These things plus the gas
utilities in Massachusetts paying commercial gas users up to a 50%
rebate have my head spinning as to how I can let these folks know that
we exist.(that's the hardest job I have ever had)

I have asked a Gas Network member from a Massachusetts utility to help
me present the idea to that team that a rebate is offered to residential
customers who use our window insulating panels.  Those folks are also
being crushed by heating and cooling costs and may not be able to afford
a quality replacement window.  Currently we have residential customers
in Orange County Florida who were given rebates.  


As America works to conserve limited natural resources and struggle to
reduce our dependence on foreign fuel supplies I expect we will see
programs to encourage conservation grow.


If I can be of further assistance please call me at 1-800-819-9463 ext


All the best.




Jim Devine President

Windo-Therm LLC

90 Church Street

PO Box 405 (all mail)

Hoosick Falls NY 12090



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