[MassHistPres] BLC Dorchester/Mattapan Survey RFQ Deadline Extension

Bennett Younkin, Roysin Roysin.BennettYounkin at cityofboston.gov
Thu Aug 31 11:31:43 EDT 2006








The Boston Landmarks Commission, by and through the City of Boston, has
extended its deadline for receipt of letters of interest and
qualifications for consultants interested in completing a
neighborhood-wide intensive level survey of selected cultural resources
that will be identified in a preliminary survey plan for the Dorchester
and Mattapan neighborhoods of Boston.  The deadline has been extended to
allow completion of the preliminary survey plan recommendations to be
included in the RFP package.  It is anticipated that Requests for
Proposals will be available to be sent to qualified interested parties
by the end of September.


Applicants must have:  1.) a Bachelor's degree in Architecture,
Planning, Historic Preservation, Architectural History, American
Studies, or a closely related field, plus at least two years full-time
experience in an area relevant to the project; or 2.) a Master's degree
in any one of the above-mentioned areas.  


Interested parties should send a letter of interest and resume no later
than 5pm, September 25, 2006 to:


Ellen J. Lipsey, Executive Director

Boston Landmarks Commission

Boston City Hall, Room 805

Boston, MA 02201


All qualified parties will be sent a Request for Proposal.  The City of
Boston is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer in its
programs and activities.  


Requests for Proposals will due no later than thirty days from the date
that they are made available.  If you require further information please
contact Ellen Lipsey at (617) 635-3850.





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