[MassHistPres] asbestos window putty

Alison Hardy ahardy at window-woman-ne.com
Sun Jul 16 10:41:33 EDT 2006

As a window restoration specialist, I've never heard of asbestos in putty, but the better source to ask is John Leeke at Historic Home Works www.historichomeworks.com. 

We have a steam stripper here which uses steam heat to soften window glazing putty for fast and easy removal. A typical window steams for 15-20 minutes and takes about 20-30 minutes to completely remove the putty. Paint removal takes a lot longer, but just getting the putty out is fast. 

Alison Hardy
Window Woman of New England

SCeccacci at aol.com wrote: In two different cases over the past several months I have been told that  
otherwise intact and salvageable wood window sash could not be reused because  
the glazing putty contained asbestos.  
Does anyone have information on the feasibility and cost of removing  
asbestos glazing putty to allow the reuse of historic windows?  
What window repair companies will accept asbestos tainted windows for  repair?
Susan McDaniel Ceccacci
Historic Preservation Consultant
Jefferson, Massachusetts
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