[MassHistPres] Springfield HC loses vinyl windows case

slater at alum.rpi.edu slater at alum.rpi.edu
Sat Jul 22 15:13:10 EDT 2006

> I wonder if the Springfield case would have come out differently if
> the commission's denial had been in the context of a storm-window
> policy.

Springfield also has a no-review storm window policy and we also 
recommend storm windows to homeowners. The homeowner came in talking 
vinyl, we tried to steer him elsewhere but he refused all other 
options, only talking about new replacement windows. The Home Depot 
guy was pushing for replacement, he said that old windows lose 96% of 
their energy, new windows lose 4%. It was a lie, but the homeowner 
and the judge believed it.

Ralph Slate
Springfield Historical Commission

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