[MassHistPres] reservoir gatehouse restoration

Allan S. Galper ASGalper at sherin.com
Thu May 11 09:45:37 EDT 2006


In addition to the examples at the Chestnut Hill reservoir that others
have mentioned, the reservoir at the top of Fisher Hill in Brookline has
a similar structure, although it has not been restored.

Allan Galper
Newton Centre

-----Original Message-----
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of William Shaw
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:47 AM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Cc: MHo12345 at aol.com
Subject: [MassHistPres] reservoir gatehouse restoration

In Hopkinton, we (the Historical Commission) are preparing to restore a
small, brick gatehouse structure at the WhiteHall Reservoir, c. 1920, to
its original grandeur (photo attached).

We've approached several contractors about restoration work, but have a
few unanswered questions - any help from the listserv?

1.  What type of door would have been typical for a public utility
building of this period?
2.  Would sandblasting represent a threat to the longevity of the
exterior brick and stonework?
3.  Any other restored reservoir or pump station buildings in Mass that
might serve as an example?


Bill Shaw.

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