[MassHistPres] demolition delay

Robtsyoung at aol.com Robtsyoung at aol.com
Wed Sep 6 19:04:03 EDT 2006

In Sharon we have a 12 month demolition delay by-law.  Since we've  
implemented it in 2005 we have only had one request, but we expect a slew of  them 
soon.  One thing we did, which admittedly is difficult, we reached an  agreement 
with the Selectmen, Planning Board, ConCom and Housing Partnership to  earmark 
town owned land for varieties of purposes, historic pres., affordable  
housing, recreation, or some combination.  We have tried in the past to  relocate 
historic homes - unfortunately those didn't work out due to timing or  
construction issues.
I would see if you can start a dialogue with the other town boards to set  
aside some samll parcels for future needs or goals.  At the very least it  is an 
exercise in demonstrating that boards CAN actually talk to each  other.
Good luck,
Robert Young
Sharon Historical Commission

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