[MassHistPres] FW: Award Criteria
Tristram W Metcalfe 3
twm33 at verizon.net
Wed Apr 11 21:19:07 EDT 2007
I should add some thoughts to what Peg has asked of you all, since I am one
who heatedly defends an important point of what I think preservation is
largely about.
I am an architect who joined the Historical commission in 1989 for one
reason primarily. It had an awards program which involved the public's
awareness of preserving good Architecture. The built environment in our
country has been devolving aesthetically for many decades. Few I know would
disagree and so better aesthetics will only come from a real demand by the
public who drive the developers motives.
In my professional opinion a lack of demand for good design, follows from a
lack of awareness, which is due to a lack of dialogue. Any built environment
Awards program will generate dialogue which may increase awareness and
demand to preserve the values that stand historically.
The question seems to be; Is 'new design' [modern architecture] a valid part
of the dialogue of the 'built environment' to preserve its existing history?
The answer seems more than obvious to me but I've been embroiled in this
debate of "Modern" vs "Traditional" for more than 47 years. It's certainly
not black and white with Historic aesthetics good and New as bad as too many
naturally see it because too much contemporary design is largely bad. That
is because good Modernism is ignored and misunderstood and therefore not in
much supply due to the low demand,,, awareness,, & dialogue on it.
The Art of Architecture is evolving beautifully worldwide regardless of
those who don't want to try to understand it here including most media. We
all suffer from its rarity while great Architecture seems mostly built by
enlightened and aware clients of Modernism's great values. The majority of
what's built that we are forced to live with next to our beautiful older
historic buildings is not enlightened nor appropriate, so that when some
good Modernism does appear it's also perceived as part of the "contemporary"
non design which prevails.
We need dialogue on ALL of the built environment's parts if we are to
preserve the environment of the historical buildings within it.
Tris Metcalfe
Member of Northampton Historical Commission
Tristram W. Metcalfe III, AIA NCARB NY MA CT
142 Main St. Northampton, Mass 01060
Ph 413.586.5775 Fx 586.2577
Mobile 413.695.8200
twm3 at rcn.com
be with
>> Peg Keller4/11/07 3:21 PMpkeller at northamptonma.gov
>> Hi/ we have had an Historic Preservation Awards program since 1975, but seem
>> to have heated discussions every year about what the review criteria are/ and
>> new design vs. historic preservation.. If any Commissions have review
>> criteria for award programs they could zip my way.. I would be
>> appreciative... Thanks. Peg Keller
>> Housing and Community Development Planner
>> Office of Planning and Development
>> City of Northampton
>> 210 Main Street Northampton MA 01060
>> telephone: 413-587-1288
>> fax: 413-587-1264
>> pkeller at northamptonma.gov
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