[MassHistPres] Facade easments

slater at alum.rpi.edu slater at alum.rpi.edu
Fri Dec 14 11:33:33 EST 2007

Can a façade easement be used to get a privately-owned property outside
a local historic district under the control of a historical commission?

I have done a little reading on this, and I remember that people were
sour on these a few years ago because people within historic districts
were claiming them on high-priced properties, and there was no
theoretical benefit to anyone since the properties were already

According to an article I read, the façade value is equal to 11 to 15%
of the appraised value of the home. There are some requirements,
including an appraisal of the property and documentation of the

The article I read mentioned that the easement had to be granted to a
non-profit organization in order to be tax deductible, and that there
was some rigor involved with that non-profit because they had to be
"qualified to administer" the easement.

I found some language that stated that the easement can be granted to a
governmental organization; Is that permissible in Massachusetts? If not,
and if only a 501(c)(3) corporation can be granted the restriction, can
that corporation cede control to a local historical commission?


Ralph Slate
Springfield, MA 

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