[MassHistPres] wood window replacement

JDianeOl at aol.com JDianeOl at aol.com
Fri Dec 14 17:53:51 EST 2007

There was just an excellent article about repairing historic wood windows  
published in the December issue of "Fine Homebuilding" magazine published by  
Taunton Press.  I strongly recommend it as one piece of evidence and  support to 
use in the case for saving wood windows.  Although the article  was written 
by a carpenter workingout of Louisiana, making the energy efficiency  points he 
makes somewhat questionable in this region, it is still a very very  good 
article that shows in words and pictures how simple it can be for an  experienced 
carpenter to do really nice functional restoration of wood windows  to dispel 
arguments that it is too difficult, too costly or that historical  
commissions are not operating under the same motivations as home owners  strugging with 
high energy bills.

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