[MassHistPres] Preservation Restrictions

Jonathan Feist jfeist at charter.net
Fri Feb 16 08:17:40 EST 2007

Here¹s an article about historical preservation restrictions:

> http://www.communitypreservation.org/enews/capecodround.htm

Does anyone know of any data regarding what the costs are to put a
preservation restriction on a property?

What about the affect of such a restriction on housing prices or tax

How¹s this logic: A preservation restriction makes a house less expensive
and therefore decreases the amount of taxes due. Is that correct? Is there
data supporting this somewhere?

I¹m wondering if this is something our HC should recommend to people on
private residences, as well as town-owned buildings.



Jonathan Feist, Chair
Harvard Historical Commission
978-772-4864 (home)
617-747-2148 (Berklee office: Tuesdays  only)

Preserve Historical Harvard, MA:

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