[MassHistPres] Local Historic Districts with University Neighbors

Peg Keller pkeller at northamptonma.gov
Thu Jan 18 09:30:15 EST 2007

Hi all/  I am in the process of reviewing my LHD guidelines in an area where 30% of the properties are owned by Smith College/  Can anyone give me examples of other LHD's that abut colleges/universities that may have had to incorporate adjustments, i.e. new construction, height limits, etc. to address Dover Amendment protections? thanks. Peg Keller

Housing and Community Development Planner
Office of Planning and Development
City of Northampton
210 Main Street   Northampton  MA 01060
telephone:  413-587-1288
fax:  413-587-1264
pkeller at northamptonma.gov

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