[MassHistPres] receiving funds at Historical Commissions

Kjgkeith at aol.com Kjgkeith at aol.com
Wed Mar 7 16:33:14 EST 2007

The answer to your question about accepting funds is yes.   You should 
consult the MHC publication "Preservation Planning Manual" under the  heading 
Funding on p.28.  As an agency of local  government Historical Commissions are 
non-profits, but not like 501  (c) (3); however, they do qualify under another IRS 
category called 170 (c)  (1).  This tax code is for municipal non-profits.  
You should speak  with your Town Accountant to get a letter of exemption.  So, 
gifts to your  Commission would be tax deductible under the 170 (c) (1) code.
The Canton Historical Commission has successfully raised funds and quoted  
this exemption.  However, you should be aware that many foundations are  limited 
by their charters to giving only to 501s.  I speak from experience  in this 
type of fundraising; look to sources other than charitable  foundations. 
Best of luck.
Kathi Keith
Canton Historical Commission
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