[MassHistPres] receiving funds at Historical Commission

bgreg at comcast.net bgreg at comcast.net
Thu Mar 8 21:52:46 EST 2007

While many 501(c) 3's assist neighboring organizations and causes by accepting funds on their behalf, they may be doing so at some risk.  Our historical society was recently asked to serve in such a capacity and our Treasurer (a volunteer position increasingly more difficult to fill) said he wasn't comfortable in doing it for a variety of possible accounting, liability, and taxation reasons - unless we received a "coast is clear" legal opinion.  Turns out his suspicions were correct.  After a ten minute preliminary discusion with a tax attorney there were enough potential pitfalls identified to cause any society board member to run for the hills.  

After hearing the potential problems, the requesting organization understood our decision to decline them assistance.  We told them we'd rather make a donation to them for a portion of the legal expense it would have cost us to accept donations on their behalf!

Brian Gregory
Boxford Historical Society            

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