[MassHistPres] CPA Surcharge Reductions

George Bacon gbacon at net1plus.com
Wed Mar 28 20:54:19 EDT 2007

The town of Ayer reduced its surcharge from 3% to 1%.  The change was 
organized by those who opposed its original passage.  They were able 
to turn out enough votes at town meeting and the polls to get the 
reduction passed (The town has a population of about 7,000 so it 
doesn't take a lot)  Unfortunately the CPA supporters did not turn 
out in sufficient numbers.

In financially difficult times, people tend not to care about long 
term advantages.  You can show them how much more they will get in 
matching funds, but that doesn't seem to persuade them when they are 
looking at a tax increase this year.  Even though we have funded some 
very worthwhile projects, I don't believe we could pass an increase 
in the surcharge any time soon.

George Bacon
Ayer Historical Commission

At 05:50 PM 3/19/2007, you wrote:

>Has anyone been involved with a town that has chosen to reduce its CPA
>surcharge?  If so, were they successful?
>What were the reasons behind the attempt's success or defeat?
>Kingston is facing a challenge to its 3% CPA surcharge at its upcoming town
>Proposed by the town's Finance Committee, in an attempt to help pass a $1.3
>million override, they have proposed reducing our current 3% CPA to 1%.
>A group of citizens opposed to this reduction are looking for ways,
>arguments, examples how to prevent this.
>Should you have any ideas, or practical experiences, please let me know at
>cdalton at maritime.edu
>Thank you for your help.
>Craig Dalton
>Kingston Historical Commission
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