[MassHistPres] auxiliary commissioners

p schneider schnei at massmed.org
Thu Mar 29 16:33:22 EDT 2007

I think there may be some confusion, in usage, between "auxiliary" and 
"alternate" members. When you write that the auxiliary members are 
non-voting does that mean that they never vote?

In Worcester, we have "alternate" members (defined by our bylaws) who 
vote, in order to provide a quorum, only when regular members are 
absent. Since our alternate members do have an official vote at times, 
they are appointed by our city manager following the same procedures as 
appointing full members. If "auxiliary" members never vote, I would 
think they could be invited by the Commission to attend meetings and 
voice opinions much as any member of the general public can.

Peter Schneider
Worcester Historical Commission

Matthew B. Bronski wrote:
> Can a Commission that does not have auxiliary members (non-voting)
> create that position by a simple vote of the Commission, as part of
> their policies and procedures?  Or is there more involved in creating
> the position, like a new or amended Town Bylaw?
> -Matthew Bronski, Winchester Historical Commission
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