[MassHistPres] auxiliary commissioners

djdewitt at rcn.com djdewitt at rcn.com
Fri Mar 30 19:58:26 EDT 2007

For what it's worth, years ago our Board of Selectmen inadvertently appointed 
one Alternate too many.  When they recognized the error, they appointed her an 
auxiliary (I'm not 100% sure that term was used) but it was just the role 
described.  There is nothing in our bylaw concerning this.  However, as most 
or all of the then Selectmen were lawyers, and as I assume they consulted with 
Town Counsel, it doesn't appear to have been a problem.  She sat with the 
commission and participated in discussions, but, of course, did not vote.  A few 
years later she was appointed to fill a vacant Alternate's slot and she is still 
with the Commission.  

Dennis De Witt

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