[MassHistPres] Historic Buildings UMass Amherst

Joseph S. Larson larson at tei.umass.edu
Wed May 23 17:55:35 EDT 2007

On April 20 I posted a message regarding the threat of demolition to the historic buildings on the UMass Amherst campus. The response was very encouraging. As a result we have supporters for a new organization "Preserve UMass", ranging from Nantucket to western Massachusetts, plus neighboring states.

We have indications that our request for a comprehensive, independent, professional assessment of the architecture and history the modern and historic structures is being heard, but we plan to keep the pressure on until there is official recognition of the reasonableness of our argument.

Anyone wishing more details or who wishes to be added to our roster of supporters should contact me.

Joseph S. Larson
Corresponding Secretary
Preserve UMass
27 Arnold Road
Pelham, Massachusetts 01002-9757

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