[MassHistPres] Massachusetts Circuit Rider Job Posting

Erin Kelly ekelly at preservationmass.org
Mon Nov 26 16:12:30 EST 2007

Preservation Massachusetts is excited to announce a job posting for a new
statewide initiative:  The Massachusetts Circuit Rider Program.


In collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation,
Preservation Massachusetts has dedicated nearly two years to researching,
envisioning and funding this new venture.   The MA Circuit Rider Program
will hire two part-time preservation professionals and place them "in the
field." These Circuit Riders would not be stationed in an office but will be
traveling across the state, meeting with people in various communities,
especially those areas of our state who are currently underserved in terms
of preservation expertise.  They will be equipped to bring the programs,
services, knowledge and resources of both PM and the NTHP to aid
community-based preservation activity statewide.  


This is an incredible undertaking for Preservation Massachusetts and
hopefully a tremendous benefit to the preservation community within


A job description is available on Preservation Massachusetts' website:
http://www.preservationmass.org/MassachusettsCircuitRiderProgram.shtml or
please contact our office at 617-723-3383 for more information.  The
deadline for applications is December 15, 2007.


Erin D. A. Kelly
Assistant Director
Preservation Massachusetts
Old City Hall
45 School Street
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 723-3383
www.preservationmass.org <http://www.preservationmass.org/> 

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