[MassHistPres] Workshop on Historic Preservation & Smart Growth, 9/27 Topsfield, MA

Mary Whitney m.whitney at essexcountyforum.org
Wed Sep 12 17:12:11 EDT 2007

Historic Preservation & Smart Growth
Thursday, September 27, 2007, 7:00-9:00 PM  
Gould Barn, One Howlett Street, Topsfield, MA
Organized by: The Essex County Forum - Smart Growth for Livable Communities
Many Smart Growth tools can be used to not only accomplish land 
conservation but also to help preserve the historic character of our 
communities. Adaptive reuse, demolition delay bylaws, and the Community 
Preservation Act are just some of the tools that can help make our 
communities more livable while maintaining the historic treasures that 
enhance the fabric of our cities and towns. Please visit 
and http://www.essexcountyforum.org/comingworkshops46.html 
<http://www.essexcountyforum.org/comingworkshops46.html> for more 
details on this and other upcoming workshops.
This workshop will be held at the Gould Barn in Topsfield, MA and is 
free and open to the public, however, space is limited. To register by 
phone or email contact Susan Jones Moses, Smart Growth Circuit Rider at 
978-948-3713 or susanjmoses at comcast.net 
<mailto:susanjmoses at comcast.net>. Please put "Historic Preservation 
Workshop Registration" in the subject line of your email.

And at 11:00 AM on Sat. September 29th, the Essex County Forum is 
co-sponsoring a Trails & Sails event with the Great Marsh Coalition, 
Historic Bradstreet Farm: Community Preservation at Work. The 102-acre 
Bradstreet Farm, a King's Grant property purchased by the Town of Rowley 
in May 2007, features a 1700's barn and 1880's farmhouse. The Town 
intends to place an historic preservation restriction on the house and 
barn, and protect much of the remaining land with a conservation 
restriction. Two short presentations on the history and ecology of the 
site will be followed by a walk into the Great Marsh along historic 
paths. Please visit http://www.essexheritage.org/ts/ 
<http://www.essexheritage.org/ts/> for more information.
Now that summer is fading we are starting up again with our workshop 
series on tools and techniques that will help communities balance the 
pressures of growth with preservation of their natural and historic 
resources. Presentations from previous workshops are now available at 
<http://essexcountyforum.org/pastworkshops50.html>. Please visit our 
Tools You Can Use page http://essexcountyforum.org/toolsyoucanuse3.html 
<http://essexcountyforum.org/toolsyoucanuse3.html>for additional 
presentations, guides, and more. 
Mary Whitney, Director
The Essex County Forum - Smart Growth for Livable Communities
POB 369
Salem, MA 01970
m.whitney at essexcountyforum.org <mailto:m.whitney at essexcountyforum.org>
www.essexcountyforum.org <http://www.essexcountyforum.org>

Advancing stewardship of Essex County while working with others to make 
better decisions about how we grow.

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