[MassHistPres] Instructions for Joining Masshistpres

Chris Skelly Skelly-MHC at comcast.net
Tue Feb 5 08:58:27 EST 2008

Hello all, 

If you would like to invite others to join masshistpres, please forward
this link to them.  
They can subscribe by following the instructions here.  

And a reminder to please not post administrative requests to
masshistpres.   These should go directly to my email address so that we
can cut down on unnecessary traffic on the list.  These instructions are
always found at the bottom of every email posted on masshistpres.  

So, if there are any subscribing or other administrative questions,
please contact me at:  
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us

Thanks. Chris.

Christopher C. Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Boston Office
220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125
Ph: (617) 727-8470 / Fax: (617) 727-5128
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us
*******Stay Informed on Historic Preservation Topics by joining the
MassHistPres Email List. Visit
http://mailman.cs.umb.edu/mailman/listinfo/masshistpres for more
information. ******MHC offers regional training workshops to local
historical commissions and historic district commission members on a
variety of topics.  For additional information, please contact me about
the MHC On the Road program.*******  

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