[MassHistPres] Hardiplank in New Construction within HistroicDistricts

Stowell, Stephen Sstowell at lowellma.gov
Wed Jan 2 10:08:06 EST 2008

We've used Hardiplank/trim, Azek, etc. extensively, and only, with new construction in several of our review districts.  Also have used Fibrex windows in the same locations and manner.  We see it as the compromise between wood and other less appropriate synthetics such as vinyl.

The standards for 8 of our neighborhood districts where we review only demolition or new construction states that -
"Natural materials are preferred.  Synthetic materials will only be considered when they replicate the appearance and workability of natural materials including ability to cut, profile, fit, detail, trim, and paint.  Synthetic materials such as cementitious siding/trim products and cellular pvc products are more workable than hollow core and extruded products such as vinyl and aluminum."

The same standard would apply in our other neighborhood district as well as the Downtown Lowell Historic District.

Hope this helps!
Preserve America Community

National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Preservation Honor Award

National Trust for Historic Preservation Distinctive Destination Community

Stephen Stowell
Lowell Historic Board
JFK Civic Center
50 Arcand Drive
Lowell, MA  01852
(978) 446-7200 x1443
(978) 970-4262 fax
Sstowell at lowellma.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu]On Behalf Of RFSlechta
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:06 PM
To: MHC Internet
Subject: [MassHistPres] Hardiplank in New Construction within

Would like to hear from commissions which have had experience in considering the use of Hardiplank as siding in new construction within historic districts.  Thanks very much,
Bob Slechta
Bedford HDC
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