[MassHistPres] Town Hall "raising"

Betsy Hannula betsyhannula at verizon.net
Wed Jan 2 17:35:59 EST 2008

Sorry to bring it up again, but I need to know the community that has a town hall that was originally two stories and then was "raised up" and a new first floor was built underneath.  I believe someone mentioned it in the discourse on town halls.  
  (I still haven't figured out a good way to keep track of the emails pertinent to future situations!) 
  Our town hall in Westminster is the same situation, and of course, we're being told the third floor can NEVER be used again.  We will be looking for an architectural consultant to investigate and hopefully advise us differently.
  Thank you.
  Betsy Hannula

Betsy Hannula
68 Harrington Road
Westminster, MA 01473

Tel. 978-874-0430

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