[MassHistPres] demolition by neglect by-laws

SCeccacci at aol.com SCeccacci at aol.com
Tue Jan 15 17:42:02 EST 2008

Several historic buildings listed on Preservation  Worcester's Most 
Endangered lists over the past few years have been  condemned recently as unsafe and 
ordered demolished by the City of  Worcester.  If the owners will not or cannot 
repair these buildings, the  City requires demolition.  All have arrived at 
their current state as a  result of lack of care and maintenance over several 
years' time.  In some  cases, we have actually seen the deterioration occur 
right before our  eyes.  Most can be considered cases of "Demolition by Neglect".  
Although Worcester has a Demolition Delay ordinance, it does not include  
provisions to prevent demolition by neglect.  Such an ordinance might have  
helped prevent the deterioration of these buildings to such a point  that there is 
little other alternative to demolition. 
I am interested to know what cities and towns have demolition by neglect  
by-laws, what are the provisions of their by-laws, how they are administered,  
and how effective they are.
Susan McDaniel Ceccacci
Historic Preservation Consultant
Jefferson, Massachusetts

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