[MassHistPres] Demo review procedures

BLever3043 at aol.com BLever3043 at aol.com
Wed Mar 5 20:27:18 EST 2008

Perhaps I am not being clear.  What I am looking for are examples of  how 
other commissions operate their demolition review.  It is a  procedural question. 
 In particular how is the determination made with  regards to subjecting a 
building to a delay.  Is the entire building  determined to be significant and 
subjected to delay or only portions  (example: if no one can see the rear of a 
historic building as it is  located away from a street surrounded by trees 
would a commission determine it  not significant because you can't see it or find 
it significant as it is part of  an overall building considered significant). 
 Obviously portions  of a building contribute to the whole, I am not arguing 
that, I am trying to  find out how other commissions operate.  A member of the 
Brookline  commission responded to me that they find the entire building as 
significant or  not.  How do others do it?  
Again thanks for the help,
Brian Lever

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