[MassHistPres] Demo review procedures

James Hadley jameswhadley at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 6 08:54:19 EST 2008

In Orleans, here on Cape Cod (where we have far too many demolitions) our 
ordinance allows only for  review of total demolitions. The definition of 
demolition reads, in part: "The act or process of pulling down, destroying, 
removing or razing a building, or any portion that results in a change in 
footprint..." The operable phrase is "change in footprint."  The ordinance 
contains a definition of Significant Building also - we only review and pass 
on buildings in that category, and have an excellent survey done a number of 
years ago by Tremont Preservation Services as our guide. I would welcome the 
opportunity to gain control over removal and replacement of detail on our 
buildings here, but fear a reaction from the libertarians. The Old Kings 
Highway Historic District in Town does have total esthetic control, but it 
is only a small portion of the Town.
James W. Hadley AIA, Chair, Orleans Historical Commission
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <BLever3043 at aol.com>
To: <mdstarkey at crocker.com>; <Anne.Louro at newbedford-ma.gov>; 
<masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Demo review procedures

> Perhaps I am not being clear.  What I am looking for are examples of  how
> other commissions operate their demolition review.  It is a  procedural 
> question.
> In particular how is the determination made with  regards to subjecting a
> building to a delay.  Is the entire building  determined to be significant 
> and
> subjected to delay or only portions  (example: if no one can see the rear 
> of a
> historic building as it is  located away from a street surrounded by trees
> would a commission determine it  not significant because you can't see it 
> or find
> it significant as it is part of  an overall building considered 
> significant).
> Obviously portions  of a building contribute to the whole, I am not 
> arguing
> that, I am trying to  find out how other commissions operate.  A member of 
> the
> Brookline  commission responded to me that they find the entire building 
> as
> significant or  not.  How do others do it?
> Again thanks for the help,
> Brian Lever
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