[MassHistPres] Nonrenewal of insurance for historic property

Mpayne at jonespayne.com Mpayne at jonespayne.com
Wed May 7 10:38:39 EDT 2008

I know that this issue was brought up about a year ago, but I've just been 
informed by one of our aldermen that a constituent has come to him with a 
complaint that his homeowners insurance will not be renewed because:

"The risk does not meet Arbella's underwriting guidelines due to 
historical home designation." 

This notice came from the Quincy office of the Arbella Mutual Insurance 

This issue is particularly vexing for Somerville since we are trying to 
get the Board of Aldermen to approve the expansion of our local historic 
districts and include an additional 170 properties.  The alderman who 
raised this insurance question is an insurance agent and is not inclined 
to approve the expansion.  He seems to be using this cancellation of 
insurance as a way to persuade his fellow aldermen to vote against the 

Has anyone had recent similar experience with Arbella?   It would be 
helpful to get feedback from others who have successfully dealt with this 
issue.  Thank you.

Michael K. Payne, AIA
City of Somerville, Historic Preservation Commission

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