[MassHistPres] Other cities and towns with historic property surveys

Lee Wright lee at leewright.net
Sun May 25 13:23:50 EDT 2008

Our community's historic property survey was conducted in two parts in 1994
and 1995, and it was made widely available this winter when it was put
online by our historical society.  We quickly discovered that it's the area
of the site that gets the most traffic, drawing visitors from far beyond the
local area. 

We continue to look for ways to make it even more useful, and are interested
in seeing the way in which other cities and towns have put their surveys

When we started our project months ago, there was one other community that
had put most or all of their survey online, and I assume others have done so
over the intervening months.

Please send the URLs (web addresses) for any cities or towns that you know
have that put most or all of their survey online.  We'd love to make further
improvements and look forward to learning from your experiences.

(FYI: For Marlborough . . .

-  the street-by-street and area detail:

-  the narrative: http://www.historicmarlborough.org/Architecture.html )

As always, thanks for sharing your insight and experience--


Lee Wright

Marlborough Historical Commission
Marlborough Historical Society Board of Trustees
lee at leewright.net
+1 469-233-7712

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