[MassHistPres] Your process for finding buyers for properties

Lee Wright lee at leewright.net
Mon Oct 13 23:15:44 EDT 2008

After the dozens of responses about how you handle taking minutes, I'm
looking forward to learning your commission's practice in another area.
Specifically. . . 
- To what extent are you and your colleagues on your commission actively
involved in finding or assisting potential buyers of historic commercial
properties in your communities? 
- How early do you get involved (e.g., when firms are making inquiries, or
later when they're preparing a bid or response)?  How do you help them, and
how do you do so in a way that makes sure that all see the process and
assistance as fair and even-handed?
And here's the context . . .
Our city has very few old commercial properties that are unoccupied and that
might be of interest for development.  Plans for one (an armory) were
recently rejected by our city council following a four year effort by the
buyer.  We have another (a church) that recently went up for sale.
I've advocated taking reasonable steps to find potential buyers and working
with them at the earliest stages, doing so in a way that encourages firms to
submit bids or responses that preserve as much of the interior and exterior
as possible.  
The efforts to recruit a great new owner might include putting a sign at the
property with contact information for the commission, adding information
online, holding a public meeting, and mailing, calling, or e-mailing
developers of other historic properties, and of course posting to this list.
To guard against any claim that we were not evenhanded, we would be sure
that all of the information distributed, as well as all answers to all
questions in the pre-bid or pre-proposal process, are posted online within a
day or so of answering the question.
Some of my fellow commissioners have dismissed these as inappropriate for
our commission.  Apparently they've never done this or considered doing it,
and aren't interested in starting now.
As such, I'm interested in getting your insight on the process you use and
what you've learned from it.
Best regards --
Lee Wright  
lee at historicmarlborough.org
The Marlborough Historical Commission
The Marlborough Historical Society Board of Trustees

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