[MassHistPres] demolition by neglect/affirmative maintenance and link to low interest loan program

michaelamoran1 michaelamoran1 at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 21 08:54:37 EDT 2008

Dear List serve participants,


Our community-Acton- is considering putting forth a demolition by
neglect/affirmative maintenance bylaw for consideration at town meeting. I
was wondering if there are any communities which link this type of
regulation with a program for lending monies to homeowners to fulfill the
requirements of such a by-law? My thought is to perhaps use a portion of our
Community Preservation Act funds to create a low-interest loan program which
could help homeowners who might have financial difficulties in maintaining
their properties. Are there any examples of such a program in Massachusetts?


Michaela Moran

Michaela Moran,


Acton Historic District Commission



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