[MassHistPres] trolley

p schneider schnei at massmed.org
Wed Sep 24 15:20:15 EDT 2008

My understanding is that a trolley is an electric powered vehicle that 
gets its power from an overhead wire. I don't think that's what you 
could use for a city tour unless you really have overhead wires on the 
routes you contemplate. You probably want an antique bus.

In any case, you might contact the Seashore Trolley Museum in 
Kennebunkport ME (trolleymuseum.org).

Peter Schneider

Olivia Mausel wrote:
> TROLLEY-- used and in working condition.....We  are looking for a trolley for historic tours of the city. Any information that you can pass along would be appreciated.
> Olivia Mausel, Chair
> Holyoke Historical Commission
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