[MassHistPres] Stone Walls and Demo Delay

jack mac donald ospreydesign at verizon.net
Thu Dec 10 18:25:38 EST 2009

To Any Historic Stone Wall People,


A homeowner in historic Bourne Village demolished approximately 150 feet of
an 8 foot high cut and feather wedged granite retaining wall built in the
1870's.  Of course he's now building his 3 bay trophy garage.  We have a
Demo Delay bylaw that I encompasses "an entire historic (75 years old or
older) building or structure."  His permit sailed through Town Hall without
being flagged for demo delay and of course this significant historical
feature is fill somewhere.  The Historic Commission can only revise the
language in the bylaw for future acts like this.  His neighbors are furious.
He did not demolish a house but that wall in my mind was a significant
feature of the neighborhood.


Any suggestions?  What can I do?  His permit application did not mention the
demolition of this wall so in defense of our Inspector  (that's a 1st !) he
was unaware of this homeowner's intentions.


Jack Mac Donald

Osprey Design Inc 


508 317-8469


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