[MassHistPres] Restoring windows and lead paint issues

John Newell johnnewell at mac.com
Sun Dec 27 22:44:16 EST 2009

>as of april 22, 2010, any contractor who will disrupt 2 square feet 
>or more of surface that contains lead paint .......

If the threshold is simply "disrupt 2 square feet or more", would not 
the same precautions be in force whether one were de-leading the 
frames and sash then returning them to use, or were replacing the 
whole shebang with new material?

If so, where is the overall disadvantage involved?  Removing just one 
small window would involve at least 288 square inches of 
"disruption"; both options for installing a window, or even for 
boarding up the opening would involve the same suiting and 
containment care be taken.


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