[MassHistPres] Federal era homes of brick construction clad with clapboards

SCeccacci at aol.com SCeccacci at aol.com
Sat Feb 14 19:07:21 EST 2009

The two-story Federal period building that contained the office of  
Massachusetts Governor Levi Lincoln, which stood until the 1970's on Main  Street in 
Worcester, was an example of this type of structure.  The ends  and chimneys 
were of brick and the front and rear were clapboarded.  There  is also, as I 
recall, a similar building of this same period still extant in the  commercial 
center of Concord.  I believe I have seen others elsewhere, but  don't remember 
exactly where.
Susan McDaniel Ceccacci
Historic Preservation Consultant
Jefferson, Massachusetts
In a message dated 2/13/2009 5:46:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
Ermmwwt at aol.com writes:

I am wondering if other communities have any knowledge of Federal era  houses 
that were constructed of brick but had clapboard siding on one or more  
sides.  Dorchester has at least one suspected instance, and we are trying  to 
analyze another possible instance.  Was this a common practice?
Earl Taylor
Dorchester Historical Society
195  Boston Street
Dorchester, MA 02125

days: 781 272-6700

(http://www.dorchesterhistoricalsociety.org/)   for the Dorchester Historical Society
_www.dorchesteratheneum.org_ (http://www.dorchesteratheneum.org/)  for  
Dorchester history

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