[MassHistPres] APTNE - Call for Papers 2010 Symposium

Hollister, Susan susan.hollister at goodyclancy.com
Tue Jul 21 09:47:31 EDT 2009

ListServe Members....

Based on the last several emails regarding insulation questions in historic buildings I would like to forward this announcement for the APTNE Annual Symposium which deals with this topic in depth.  Please consider submitting a paper or planning on attending.

More information on APTNE may be found at our website... http://www.aptne.org

Call for Presentations -APTNE 2010 Annual Symposium
Energy Efficiency, Insulation and Historic Building Envelopes

The Association of Preservation Technology - Northeast Chapter invites the submission of presentations for the February 5, 2010 Symposium to be held in New York City.

The focus of the Symposium will be Energy Efficiency, Insulation and Historic Building Envelopes.  Papers on the following topics are encouraged:

* Insulating Historic Wood Envelopes
* Insulating Historic Masonry Envelopes
* Insulating Historic Roofs
* Measuring Historic Envelope Efficiency
* Life-Cycle Costs of Insulation in Historic Structures
* Moisture transmission/Dew points.
* LEED Certification in Historic Projects
* Embodied Energy
* Vapor Barriers

Any presentations that discuss case studies should address one of the topics and the presenters are encouraged to demonstrate how the case study contributes knowledge to the field of energy efficiency/insulation studies, research,  design or construction issues by providing in-depth analysis of what was learned in the course of the study or project.  Presentations are to be 30 minutes in length and are to be in English.

Abstracts should be 250 to 300 words, in English and must include the title, the name of the speaker or speakers, the address of the speaker and any institution they are representing, email address of the speaker and the speaker's resume.

Selection Criteria
All abstracts are peer reviewed by an APTNE-appointed committee.  Each abstract is evaluated in four key areas:
* Originality
* Quality of the abstract (clearly defines out-comes, flows smoothly)
* Relevance/significance to the field of Historic Preservation

* Objectives

Important Deadlines
* September 15, 2009 Submission of Abstracts
* October 05, 2009 Notification of Acceptance
* November 23, 2009 First Draft of Papers Due
* January 11, 2010 Final Papers Due
* February 1, 2010 Powerpoint Presentations Due

Please submit your abstract information by September 15, 2009 to:
APTNE c/o Mary Jablonski
40 West 27th Street
New York, NY 10001
mjablonski at jbconservation.com<mailto:mjablonski at jbconservation.com>

Selection Notification and Speaker Responsibilities
 Please read the following guidelines carefully.

* If your abstract is accepted, you must submit a formal written paper (5-10 pages minimum) for inclusion in the symposium proceedings.
* Each presenter will receive a complimentary registration for the symposium.  Speakers will not be paid.  All travel and additional expenses are the responsibility of the speaker.
* If your abstract is selected, you will be notified by October 5, 2009.
* Presenters are encouraged to use powerpoint technology to enhance their presentations.  No other audiovisual requirements will be permitted.
* Powerpoint presentations must be submitted to APTNE at a specified deadline date in order to preload presentation to avoid on-site slow downs.
* Speakers not meeting key deadlines may be removed from the program.
* Abstracts may be posted on APT Website.

Susan E. Hollister  AIA, LEED
Goody Clancy
420 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
617.850.6653 (direct)
617.262.2760 (main)
617.262.9512 (fax)
susan.hollister at goodyclancy.com<mailto:susan.hollister at goodyclancy.com>

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