[MassHistPres] Fwd: Solar roof panels & solar "shingles"

Dennis De Witt djdewitt at rcn.com
Thu Jul 30 06:22:45 EDT 2009

Picking up the thread below from 12/08.  Does anyone now have any  
additional experience with solar panels?  Or has anyone written a  

We have an applicant who wants to do photovoltaic "slates" even though  
the roof is not particularly well shaped for it -- semi-hipped with a  
big dormer in the middle -- and even though he admits that the  
economic numbers don't work.  It appears to be important to him as the  
right thing to do.

Dennis De Witt

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dennis De Witt <djdewitt at rcn.com>
> Date: December 8, 2008 5:29:31 PM EST
> To: MHC listserve <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
> Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Solar Energy Systems
> But 40c is not zoning, so I should think that citation would not  
> apply beyond the not very assertive reference in 40c.  (Same reason  
> Dover doesn't apply to LHDs)
> Just for something to put out on the table, here are some thoughts  
> about solar panel guidelines.
> Solar roof panels would be acceptable:
> a) if the roof is not slate,
> b) if the panels will lie flat on the roof surface,
> c) if they are as unobtrusive in color, appearance, and placement as  
> practical,
> d) if no other features, such a dormers or chimneys are removed or  
> compromised;
> e) if there are no special circumstances or characteristics of the  
> particular house that in the opinion of the commission outweigh the  
> benefits of the panels,
> f) in addition, to the extent possible, it is preferable that they  
> be on a side or the rear rather than the front.
> I'm not a lawyer, but I'd think that might meet the requirement of  
> 40c.
> Dennis De Witt
> On Dec 8, 2008, at 4:28 PM, M Fenollosa wrote:
>> The relevant language is as follows:
>> " No zoning ordinance or by-law shall prohibit or unreasonably  
>> regulate
>> the installation of solar energy systems or the building of  
>> structures
>> that facilitate the collection of solar energy, except where  
>> necessary
>> to protect the public health, safety or welfare."
>> and can be read at http://www.mass.gov/legis/laws/mgl/40a-3.htm
>> Marilyn Fenollosa
>> Judi Barrett (Home Office) wrote:
>>> The consultant is referring to Chapter 40A, s. 3 (zoning).
>>> Judi Barrett
>>> Director of Planning
>>> Community Opportunities Group, Inc.
>>> 129 Kingston Street, Third Floor
>>> Boston, MA 02111
>>> Boston Office: (617) 542-3300, ext. 308
>>> Home Office: (781) 834-7324
>>> Cell: (617) 455-8641
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
>>> [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] *On Behalf Of *blever3043 at aol.com
>>> *Sent:* Monday, December 08, 2008 1:59 PM
>>> *To:* masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
>>> *Subject:* Re: [MassHistPres] Solar Energy Systems
>>> In Newton an installation not very visible from the street was
>>> approved on a new house in one of our local districts. We have  
>>> another
>>> application pending on a historic building, so I am also  
>>> interested in
>>> the experiences of others. A solar consultant quoted some chapter to
>>> me (not 40C) stating it was illegal to unduly restrain solar
>>> installations. Has anyone heard of that as well.
>>> Brian Lever
>>> In a message dated 12/6/2008 1:40:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>>> Dcolebslade at aol.com <mailto:Dcolebslade at aol.com> writes:
>>>   *I note the following relevant parts of Chapter 40C:7 and of
>>>   Chapter 40A:1A.*
>>>   **
>>>   *Could we have feedback on experience in other historic districts
>>>   on granting or not granting certificates for solar energy  
>>> systems?*
>>>   **
>>>   *Thank you.*
>>>   *Betty Slade, Westport*
>>>   -----Original Message-----
>>>   From: Dcolebslade at aol.com
>>>   To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
>>>   Sent: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 1:37 pm
>>>   Subject: [MassHistPres] Solar Energy Systems
>>> *I note the following relevant parts of Chapter 40C:7 and of Chapter
>>> 40A:1A.*
>>> **
>>> *Could we have feedback on experience in other historic districts on
>>> granting or not granting certificates for solar energy systems?*
>>> **
>>> *Thank you.*
>>> *Betty Slade, Westport*
>>> **
>>> **
>>> *Chapter 40C, Section C:7, lines 13-17.*
>>> **
>>> Chapter 40C: Section 7. Factors to be considered by commission
>>> Section 7. In passing upon matters before it the commission shall
>>> consider, among other things, the historic and architectural value  
>>> and
>>> significance of the site, building or structure, the general design,
>>> arrangement, texture, material and color of the features involved,  
>>> and
>>> the relation of such features to similar features of buildings and
>>> structures in the surrounding area. In the case of new  
>>> construction or
>>> additions to existing buildings or structures the commission shall
>>> consider the appropriateness of the size and shape of the building  
>>> or
>>> structure both in relation to the land area upon which the  
>>> building or
>>> structure is situated and to buildings and structures in the  
>>> vicinity,
>>> and the commission may in appropriate cases impose dimensional and
>>> set-back requirements in=2 0addition to those required by applicable
>>> ordinance or by-law.* When ruling on applications for certificates  
>>> of
>>> appropriateness for solar energy systems, as defined in section  
>>> one A
>>> of chapter forty A, the commission shall also consider the policy of
>>> the commonwealth to encourage the use of solar energy systems and to
>>> protect solar access.* The commission shall not consider interior
>>> arrangements or architectural features not subject to public view.
>>> The commission shall not make any recommendation or requirement  
>>> except
>>> for the purpose of preventing developments incongruous to the  
>>> historic
>>> aspects or the architectural characteristics of the surroundings and
>>> of the historic district.
>>> **
>>> **
>>> *Chapter 40A, Section 1A*
>>> *http://www.mass.gov/legis/laws/mgl/40a-1a.htm*
>>> **
>>> Chapter 40A: Section 1A. Definitions
>>> Section 1A. As used in this chapter the following words shall have  
>>> the
>>> following meanings:
>>> “Solar access”, the access of a solar energy system to direct  
>>> sunlight.
>>> “Solar energy system”, a device or structural design feature, a
>>> substantial purpose of which is to provide daylight for interior
>>> lighting or provide for the collection, storage and distribution of
>>> solar energy for space heating or cooling, electricity generating,  
>>> or
>>> water heating
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