[MassHistPres] Posting

Jean Derderian jeand at hughes.net
Thu Jul 30 11:24:07 EDT 2009

Dear Historic Preservationists,
Our town is currently reviewing the language in MGL Chapter 40 Section 8D regarding a local historical commission's rights to enter into contracts, raise and spend donations, etc. What experiences can you share to help us in the interpretation of the law? 

http://www.mass.gov/legis/laws/mgl/40-8d.htm  "...The commission may hold hearings, may enter into contracts with individuals, organizations and institutions for services furthering the objectives of the commission's program; may enter into contracts with local or regional associations for cooperative endeavors furthering the commission's program; may accept gifts, contributions and bequests of funds from individuals, foundations and from federal, state or other governmental bodies for the purpose of furthering the commission's program; may make and sign any agreements and may do and perform any and all acts which may be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this section..."

What does the term "program" mean in the law? Can a program include preservation work or preservation planning for an historic building in the care of a local historical commission?

Do local historical commissions have a legal right to enter into contracts? 
May local historical commissions raise and spend donations as they vote to as a body?
Are such rights subject to the approval of the Selectboard? 

Thank you,
Jean Derderian
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