[MassHistPres] Rhino Shield

Eric Hertfelder EHertfelder at fortadams.org
Mon Jun 1 14:45:27 EDT 2009

Reviewers in historic districts in Rhode Island are contending with proposals from homeowners to treat their houses with "Rhino Shield" and other applications which essentially encapsulate exterior surfaces with a coating 10-15 times as thick as paint.   The maker suggests the coating will last for 25 years and provides insulation as well!

As best I can tell, these coatings are not reversible; i.e., they bond to the surface to which they are applied and cannot be removed.

Has anyone else dealt with this project?  Are there any historic district commissions out there that have decided to prohibit or to permit the use of such applications.

Thank you.

Eric Hertfelder
Bristol, Rhode Island
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