[MassHistPres] Keeping Village Roads Narrow?

Joseph S. Larson larson at tei.umass.edu
Sat Jun 20 15:05:54 EDT 2009

In 1998 citizens of Pelham objected to the Selectmen having entered into a contract with the state for widening a road without much prior warning to the town. In 1999 Town Meeting amended the two "boiler plate" articles that appear in each Annual Town Meeting Warrant to authorize the Selectmen to: 1. Accept state or federal funds or grants, and 2. Enter into contracts with Mass Highway for construction and/or maintenance of public highways.

The amendment to each article added the following language:
"...provided that no funds shall be expended to widen, or to enter into a contract to widen, any town road unless the Board of Selectmen has held a public hearing advertised at least fourteen (14) days in advance with any proposed contract and/or plans for such road improvements being posted for public viewing prior to the public hearing, and further provided that such policy is consistent with state and federal requirements."

The amended form of the two articles has been used each year since 1999. On one or two occasions the articles were presented without the additional language and each time Town Meeting has amended them before voting to pass them.

In 2002 Town Meeting enacted the Scenic Roads bylaw and applied it to all town roads, except the two state highways, Routes 202 and 9.

So far these provisions have seemed to provide the public participation that citizens want to have. However, new road construction or re-construction in Pelham has been minimum.

Joseph S. Larson, Chairman
Pelham Historical Commission

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Suzanne W Pelton 
  To: MassHistPres MA 
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 2:10 PM
  Subject: [MassHistPres] Keeping Village Roads Narrow?

  Lenox is poised for a road improvement project in 2010 to: reconstruct existing surface, improve the shoulders for bicycle lanes, rebuild the sidewalk, and provide drainage and sewer improvements on a 2-lane minor highway (known in Highway Department-land as "Other Through Highway.") The road is to be widened to accommodate bike traffic though one doesn't see much of that on this rather steep hill. residents were given a choice of widening the sidewalk or widening the road, neither option being desired.

  The Lenox HC wonders if there are communities who have succeeding in preserving their narrow historic roads rather than widen for bike paths (and more traffic?) The road is not heavily trafficked except following Tanglewood concerts, maybe 30 times in the season. We are concerned that the paring away of parkway will change the character of the road leading into our historic village.

  Suzanne Pelton
  Lenox HC


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