[MassHistPres] Historic Preservation Fund - Call to Action

Stowell, Stephen Sstowell at lowellma.gov
Fri Oct 23 09:21:54 EDT 2009

Would like to forward to all this important information from the
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions regarding the Historic
Preservation Fund.  Please take the time to read this and do your part
to help in the effort to secure full and permanent funding for the HPF.

Thank you!

Stephen Stowell
Lowell Historic Board Administrator
Board Member, National Alliance of Preservation Commissions

-----Original Message-----
From: NAPC Member Listserv [mailto:NAPC-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of
Drane Wilkinson
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 8:01 AM
Subject: NAPC Call to Action

The National Alliance of Preservation Commissions has joined with our
national partners to form a coalition calling for full, permanent
funding of the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF). While full funding for
the HPF has always been a priority for NAPC and our national partners,
we believe that now is an ideal time for a national grassroots effort
for it. Your commission and/or organization can join the Coalition and
add its voice to the call. Just go to http://www.fullyfundhpf.org and
follow the instructions on the right side of the page. It's easy to do
and you'll be glad you did!

** What is the HPF?
Congress established the HPF in 1976 to support the programs and
activities set forth in the National Historic Preservation act of 1966.
The HPF provides funding for State Historic Preservation Offices and
Certified Local Government grants as well as a host of other
preservation programs. The HPF's sole source of revenue is income from
off-shore oil and gas leases - income from non-renewable resources
supporting the preservation of other non-renewable resources, our
Nation's historic heritage. Every year $150 million in off-shore oil
lease revenue is deposited in the HPF, but the full amount has NEVER
been appropriated. In fact, the appropriation is usually less than one
half of the amount available. Full, permanent funding of the HPF would
avoid the appropriations process and make a dramatic, positive
difference for local preservation. More information about the HPF is
available from

** Why is Now the Right Time to Call for Full Funding?
Recent legislation introduced by the House Natural Resources Committee
Chairman, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV), H.R. 3534 - the Consolidated Land,
Energy, and Aquatic Resources (CLEAR) Act of 2009, is a major energy
bill and among its many provisions it includes full funding for the Land
and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). This is significant as the HPF was
modeled after the LWCF and has long been considered a "sister fund" to
the LWCF. The LWCF protections the natural environment and the HPF
protects the built environment. Both programs draw their funding from
the same off-shore oil revenues. With enough grassroots involvement and
support from Congress, we believe it's possible to have full and
permanent funding for the HPF added to the bill. NAPC and other national
partners have submitted testimony asking that full funding for the HPF
be added to the CLEAR Act. Now, it is time for local commissions to join
the coalition and make their voices heard as well! You can read more
about the CLEAR Act and read NAPC's testimony at

** What Else Can You Do?
Participate! Tell your friends and colleagues about the HPF, the
Coalition, the CLEAR Act, why they matter, and get them engaged. Call or
write your member of congress and let him or her know you believe in
full funding for the HPF and tell them how it would benefit their
district! Visit http://www.fullyfundhpf.org/home/take_action for a list
of members of congress with links to their Web pages.

Full funding of the HPF would benefit everyone, but local preservation
programs would be among those feeling the most significant, positive
effect. I hope all NAPC commissions will step up and join us in this
national grassroots effort. As always, thank you for your continued work
on preservation's front lines. All preservation is local, and NAPC
members make it happen!


Drane Wilkinson
NAPC Executive Director

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